Chapter Forty

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•:Make Him Pay:•


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I brush my thumb lightly over the soft skin of Lily's cheek. Her eyelashes framing her gracefully shut eyes as she sleeps. Her cheek pressed softly against my pillow. Her red fiery braid scattered down her back and falling down her shoulder, rising and falling as she breathes.

The moonlight flooding In through the windows casted against the wall; glitters down on her. Making her red hair almost appear purple and her creamy skin gleam white.
I should feel like a creep for watching her; I chased her through the goddamn woods before. I've done worse to her, watching her sleep is nothing.

That and I can't pull my eyes from her. Watching her features rest so soft and fragile. Her defense down and gone while she's asleep. It's rare that the tension beneath her skin dissipates. Even when she's slumped in my arms from having just come on my cock she's still always on the edge of snapping. Guarding herself. Putting off a force field of warning not to come near her or you'll regret it. The atmosphere radiating off of her will sting deep and it does.

She has every right to be that way. To want to protect herself. She's been through hell and I only wish I wasn't a portion of that.

Every time I think about the shit I did to her..I want to blow my own fucking head off and stomp on my brain matter.

Even for someone who takes pride in never allowing myself to have been hurt by someone. There's been times when her poison laced words etched just a bit of ache into my bones.

But for now, she's asleep and that storm of defense she radiates is off duty. My eyes flicker to the forest green puddle of her dress on the floor, sending a smirk rising on my lips as flashes from earlier trickle into my mind.

Lily bent over the bathroom sink; her cheeks flushed crimson as pretty whimpers fell messily from her lips. Her dress bunched up around the round curves of her hips and ass.
Her sweet pussy glistening on display for me as I drove the handle of a knife into her cunt. The ungodly sinful noises it pulled from her had my eyes painfully rolling back and my cock throbbing unbearably and I wasn't even inside of her yet.

The only thing more earth shattering than being buried inside of her; coming deep inside her velvety warmth and filling her up, is watching her come first. Hearing how it shatters every ounce of self respect she has. Feeling her wriggle and and convulse as it racks through her little body and assaults every nerve ending she possesses. Fighting to keep her cries in so anyone in proximity can't hear how hard she's coming.

It only makes my jaw clench and my teeth press together so hard I'm afraid they might fucking bust, my knuckles turning white as my hands clench into fists. Animosity creeping in and encasing my nerves. She won't forget the way I treated her in the beginning and I neither will I.

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