Chapter Thirteen

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            •: A strange Feeling:•


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"Can you stop being such a prick?" I ask Rafe as I pull my sweatshirt down over my head. Pulling my hair out of it and sighing. "Can you stop running your mouth?" He snaps at me, typing something on his phone. The light from it lighting up his face making his features look so much sharper and defined. Why are the asshole men always the attractive ones? Stupid jerk. "You're lucky I'm even still going along with this after that stunt you pulled" I tell him as I tug on my shoes, referring to the other night when he almost made me do..other things. Until I begged him not to. That's all he wanted, for me to beg and he got it.

His eyes move to from his phone to me and I feel a tiny surge of something run up my spine and through my stomach as he narrows them on me. "You don't have a say in shit Alilia" he reminds me and I roll my eyes. Pulling my lip between my teeth and thinking. Every time I leave here I have the same spiral of thoughts. What happens if Kade finds out? What will he do to me? Whatever it was it would end in a lot of pain and I'm not certain Rafe will keep his mouth shut.

"Rafe" I speak, twisting my fingers together, silently admiring how smooth and clear his skin is, watching him type something on his phone, his face still lit up by the bright light. "What? Why are you still here?" I ignore his question taking a few steps closer to him but keeping distance between us. "You won't tell anyone right?" I ask, he clicks his phone off, tossing it on the bed before narrowing his eyes on me. "What?" He asks almost disgustedly. "About this, there's people who can't know" I explain, feeling angst rush through me when he steps towards me. Putting me in between him and the bed. "Like who? Maybank?" He smirks, his tone laced with a taunting manner. I wasn't even sure he knew JJ was my friend, or that we were close. I guess he would since Sarah and I are friends and she's his sister.
"No JJ already knows" I tell him watching something unreadable flicker in his eyes. "I have a boyfriend" I add, those four words causing a grin to tug at his lips. "And you don't think he'd approve?" He asks stepping up to me until I can feel the heat radiating off of his body as he towers over me. I fight the urge to step back, away from him but I can't afford to look any more afraid or pathetic. Staying put may at least throw him off a bit, that I'm not as scared of him as I really am.

"Approve of you fucking someone else?" He reaches up, brushing his fingers under my chin and I smack his hand away only making him smirk. "Something like that" I breathe, I wouldn't tell him what would really happen if Kade found out, what he'd do to me. Rafe would probably team up with him. "Just tell me you won't say anything" I ask staring up at him in the dark, feeling his shirt brush against me. He loves to try and intimidate me, I just hope he can't see it's working. "You think I want anyone knowing I'm fucking a pogue?" He asks dropping his hand. "No, no one could ever think so low of you Rafe" I taunt but he only scowls down at me. "What will it take for you to learn you have no room to be such a bitch?" He asks but his words don't offend me. "I'm not sure, it's kind of my personality" I tell him flatly, expecting him to glare but instead I swear I can see him smirk in the dark.

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