Chapter Thirty Seven

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•:Broken Pieces:•
Part I MidSummers Edition

                       •:Broken Pieces:•             Part I MidSummers Edition

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"I don't even have a dress" I exclaim as I cross my arms over my chest, watching Sarah grin maliciously.. that's never good. She looks a lot like Rafe when she does that.
"About that.." She bounces up off her bed before practically skipping into her huge walk in closet as I stay put at the end of her bed.

We've been arguing for the last ten minutes..and by arguing I mean she's been trying to convince me to go to Midsummers since all of them are going and she doesn't want me to be left out. Except I'd be more than happy being left out. I'm far too agitated with the hell inside of my head to go galavanting off to some event where I'll be surrounded by nothing but stuck up, pretentious kooks sticking their noses up as me.

My temper is like a bull in a china shop and I'm sure there'll be plenty of expensive dishes at midsummers.
Rafe left early this morning to go to Chapel Hill with Liam to pick up their suits, not even having the decency to wake me up but instead told Sarah to tell me as if she's his personal telegram. Stupid ass.
It does grind my nerves that he's going and I have no idea if he's bringing a date or who. Sarah didn't know and I will not ask him myself. It'll only fuel his ego that I care and I don't.. I don't care I'm just curios that's all..

"Ta da!" Sarah's voice hits my ears like a door slamming and I turn around, my eyes widening as my heart both swells and sinks. Raking up and down the silky dark green dress she holds up on a hanger. The sunlight reflecting off of the glossy material. The low cut top, bunched with lose fabric, a high slit up the leg, stopping at the hip. Spaghetti straps that appear to tie in the's beautiful.

"Where did you get this?" I ask as I walk over to her and brush my fingers over the forest green silk. "I picked it out when Kie and I went shopping, thought maybe it would convince you if I couldn't" she tells me, kicking her feet in place as she dances like an excited little kid. "This had to have been ex-"
" Shh! Alilia Aspen Grant don't you even argue with me, you will put this on that sexy little body of yours and you will go to midsummers and make everyone including Rafe drool all over you" She throws her hand up as if to shush me as she speaks.

My eyes rake up and down the dress once more as I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and chew on it, flickering back to Sarah's big brown eyes that are radiating with hope. I suppose now that this beautiful dress is in front of me..going doesn't seem as horrible. Still a headache but just a little less.. And it'll break her heart if I say no.

I can hangout with Pope I guess, he'll be catering with his dad. As long as I avoid Rafe, I suppose I can let myself slip into a distraction for the night. It'll be hard to turn down alcohol but at least no one will be throwing drugs around in my face..well as long as I steer clear of anyone my age. As much as looks like the drug shame us; just as many lines are snorted at their parties as ours.

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