Chapter Twenty Five

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     •:I Don't Think You Want To Know:•


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An overwhelming surge of panic violently pulls me from my sleep. My eyes snap open and I sit up, feeling my breath catch in my throat as panic fills me. he here? I instinctively throw my hands up trying to protect myself. Feeling pressure wrap around them.

"Relax it's me" a deep voice says. A familiar deep voice. The sound of his tone hits my ears, flooding in and coating my nerves. Softening my pulse and slowing down the adrenaline that started to pump through me, reacting to my brains response to I don't even know what and send me into a panic.

"Rafe" I breathe, feeling my breath start to catch up with my lungs, meeting his gaze as he stares down at me in the dark. Releasing my wrists that he caught before I could smack him in my half asleep panic. I'll never get over beak will never allow me to not be frightened awake at any movement or noise. If I'm not awoken that way then I wake up screaming from some awful nightmare about my father; thinking it's real.

"Where did you go?" I ask as he climbs back into my bed beside me. "Bathroom" he mumbles, lying down, putting his one arm behind his head and draping the other over his abs, shutting his eyes.
His long dark lashes framing them. He's so beautiful.

I reach around for my phone, seeing it's two am.

I lie back down, pressing my cheek against the pillow,  still feeling my heart rate trying to return to normal. My eyes move over to Rafe, watching how peaceful me looks as he sleeps. I wish I could sleep peacefully, I'm always afraid..every time I close my eyes that my dad will be there when I open them. Or he'll get something to me when I'm asleep and don't have a chance to get away. To run.
Rafe being here takes that away, evidently I still flip out if something startles me awake but at least I know I'm safe to close my eyes. Nobody will come in and mess with me while I'm asleep, not with Rafe here.

I watch the way his chest rises and falls as he breathes. My eyes travel along the muscles in his arms, his huge biceps and sculpted forearms, falling to watch wrapped around his thick wrist. I bet it cost more than our car payment.

Something warm swells in my chest as I watch him, making my fingertips tingle like something triggered my brain to release happy chemicals. It's almost overwhelming, making my head feel fuzzy and an odd calm falls over me like I've taken a muscle relaxer. I don't understand it or know the source of it but I know I've never felt something quite like it and I want more of whatever it is.

Almost feeling like there's a magnetic pull between us and I feel the need to touch him, feel him against me. I fight it for a moment, pulling my lip between my teeth before giving in. Scooting over pushing his arm off of his stomach. "What are you doing?" He asks low, almost sounding irritated.
"I'm laying here and you're not going to tell me I can't" I tell him before lying down. I expect him to push me away but he doesn't..instead he drops his arm from behind his arm and it falls around my shoulder, resting his hand at my waist and butterflies erupt in my stomach like they've just been let out of a cage. The warmth filling my chest again, making my eyelids heavy and I wonder if I forgot I took something and I really am drugged.

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