Chapter Forty Seven

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•:What A Coincidence:•

                 •:What A Coincidence:•

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Trigger warning: This chapter has a lot of gory descriptions..

Eeriness skates beneath the surface of my skin. Deep deathly sensations of ice crawling up my spine.

Twigs snap beneath my feet as my eyes meet darkness. Trees lining the perimeter of where ever it is I've ended up. My feet molding into the ground, damp soil and wet slick leaves. My body jerking in the direction my attention is pulled. Yanking my subconscious to some unknown gravitational pull yet I have no idea what I'm searching for. A siren like voice, echoing through the openness but it doesn't sound human. Instead it resembles the one in your head that has no apparent tone, drawl or depth, altering and changing based on whoever it's imitating.

It calls my name yet the source remains hidden despite my efforts to find it.
My eyes meet the unknown surroundings. A faint glow of moonlight reflecting off of the leaves and tree tops. Darkness consuming every inch past their trunks as if I'm in some sick simulation and nothing exists beyond them.

My skin is clammy, soaked with sweat and growing increasingly cold from the frost bitten air that doesn't feel real.

A flash of red catches my eye, jerking me around as a warning sign of goosebumps rise to the surface of my skin, my adrenaline kick starting and flowing through my blood stream.

Pale skin consuming a round childlike face. Round green eyes that glow unrealistically vibrant. Untamed red waves flow around her face as she stares back at me, hair hanging past her small hips. A child no older than eight standing just out of the darkness that falls behind the trees.

"Haley" I speak, my voice sounding oddly low and filled with uncertainty. Something I don't possess.
She only gives me one subtle shake of her head. Tilting it to the side as she watches me. Haley isn't that grown, her cheeks are fuller and speckled with freckles. The child before me is not Lily's little sister.
"Try again" She speaks, her face warming a degree as she lifts her head and a sudden breeze blows her hair away from her face. Allowing me to see the glass like surface of her of freckles or any flaws.. The muscle behind my ribs contracts as I grow increasingly disoriented.

"You know me Rafe" Her voice isn't childlike, it isn't human at all. Like a demon in disguise. Impersonating someone you know. It's a mind game.

"You put a gun in my mouth remember?" Her eyes grow round. "Lily" I speak almost a whisper but she hears me and her brows perk up confirming my guess. Suddenly tears are streaking her face and a flash of the Lily I know consumes my mind. Eyes round with fear, shaking uncontrollably. My body jerks at the sound of the real memory, echoing with my gun cocking before a scream fills the forest and the image fades.

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