Chapter Thirty Eight

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                       •: Broken Pieces:•
             Part II MidSummers Edition

                       •: Broken Pieces:•             Part II MidSummers Edition

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I roll my eyes as I watch Sasha drag her fingers up Rafes arm. Her long pink fingernails skimming the expensive navy fabric of his shirt. He looks so delicious tonight. The dark blue Armani suit looks delectable on him and fits his sculpted lean body like it was made for him..I'm sure it was, at least tailored.. The thoughts of some seamstress touching him has my jaw clenching.

A white button up underneath. The color bringing out the sharpness of his every feature and the icy tone of his eyes. His chain peaking beneath his dress shirt. His hair looks like it's freshly buzzed again as well and I know if I walked up to him, his scent would intoxicate me. I want nothing more than to drag him off to his truck and ride him until I come all over his lap but right now I'm itching to flatten my palm against his cheek in a harsh slap.

Of course he'd have to bring someone else. He was being all too soft with me the other night. It would only be followed by something to sting me deep and as much as I try to hide it; he knows exactly where it burns me and he holds the matches.
Sasha Steele.. what a perfect fucking match. The Steele family is right up there with the Camerons although not as prominent. No one is next to the Camerons, not around here however. But they still have some dramatic grand entrance to Midsummers along with them and the Cavaliers.

I suppose I'm not surprised he knows Sasha well enough to have asked her here. And now that I'm thinking about it he probably knows her a little too well..and so does his bed. I grit my teeth feeling fire burn under my skin knowing he's probably fucked her before. He's fucked more girls than I can count so in actuality, Sasha shouldn't bother me but it does. Anyone whose touched him does. And the way she's dancing her hands around his arm like she owns him.

My eyes slightly widening when when she drops her hand to his and his knuckles flex; his ring glimmering in the light before he wraps his fingers around her palm and pulls her into his large body. She's a good four inches taller than me and then some in those ridiculous heals but he still towers over her. I can't lie that her long caramel legs look nothing short of modelesque in her silk lilac colored dress; slit up the leg much like mine but it isn't half as high as the one cut into my dress being that she's much taller than my five foot two height.

His hand sweeping to rest against her lower back as her arms wrap around his neck. Her dark curls pulled into a fancy updo that probably took longer than it's worth and a can or two of hairspray.

My blood boils like lava in my veins, my breath shaking in my lungs as his nose brushes her shoulder. His eyes not missing mine by a centimeter as they level directly with my gaze. Hooded and dancing with a taunting glow before he smirks and presses his lips to her shoulder; something nausea inducing crashing around my chest like an iceberg breaking off and falling to its death from a cliff. From here I can the way her body shutters at the heat of his kiss only making my stomach coil into knots as fury consumes me. He knew I was watching..he did that on purpose.

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