Chapter Thirty Nine

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                        •:You Stupid Jerk:•

                                              •:You Stupid Jerk:•

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I wince as I sit up; a small gasp catching in my throat as the tenderness between my legs become quite apparent.
Jesus..I've never been so sore from sex in my life. The thoughts of all the recent reasons for the pain making my cheeks heat up and flush red. The night before midsummers..the unspeakable event that took place in the island club bathroom..last night.. My poor dress is still a puddle on the floor.

"Oh my god" I groan as I shrug the blanket off and pull my legs into a criss cross position. Pressing my teeth together. The knife was intense but nothing compared to how hard he fucked me afterwards or the night before.. That man is rough and he has no mercy when he knows how bad I want it and I do, just not the next day when I have to limp around.

The bathroom door pops open as Rafe moves into the room. Wearing dark jeans and a navy blue tee shirt. His chain hanging around his neck and reflecting the sunlight. He's always dressed so simple yet always looks so clean and elegant in the most icy cold way possible. He's beautiful.

Wincing again when I shift and grumble behind my teeth at the pain shooting him a glare as he comes to stand beside the bed. He did this..I wanted every second of it but I have a strong tendency to always blame someone else so I will blame him. His ice blue eyes fixate on me, his full lips tugging into a playful grin, smirking down at me. "You're a jerk" I tell him as I gather my hair into my hand and toss it off my shoulder.

"Why's that?"
"Ask my cervix" I snap; listening to him snicker before his arms slide around me and he pulls me up off the bed, my legs wrapping around his waist as my arms fall loosely around his shoulders. My chest swelling and sending waves of content sputtering up my spine. Dropping my head and resting my cheek to his shoulder as I shut my eyes and soak in how safe and warm it feels to be in his arms, ignoring the ways he's holding me like I'm a child.

His one arm wrapping strongly around my body to hold me up as the other brushes down my back. "I need a break from you" I tell him. My brows pinching together a second later before I pull my head up and clasp my hands behind his neck. Meeting his eyes, filled with a soft glow that has a warm shiver dancing under my skin. The sunlight making them glow an icy blue, his long black eyelashes framing them, more visible in the heavy gaze their set in as he watches me. "Not from you" I correct myself, reaching up and brushing my thumb over the soft skin of his cheek. "From your dick" I clarify; his lips tugging tightly into a proud smirk. His smile lines kissing the corners of his mouth and my eyes fall to them, that familiar need to kiss him rising up and clashing around my chest but I push it down almost as fast as I pull my gaze away. I want to kiss him; sweet and sensually. I want to kiss him rough until my lips are purple and sting too but we already do that when we're having sex.

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