Chapter Twenty Six

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          •:I'm Still In Charge Princess:•


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"Where'd you get those?" I ask Aria as she drops her stuff on the table, ripping open a box before pulling out a brand new pair of headphones. "Rafe" she mumbles, not bothering to explain. My brows draw together as I flip through the bags she brought in, shampoo, conditioner, body wash..and not the cheap kind..

A bunch of other cosmetic stuff..the other bags stuffed with a bunch of food. What the hell..

I glance up as Haley comes waddling in the door dragging a bag along with her, a new doll I've never seen before tucked under her arm. I watch as she dumps the bag out and a bunch of toys spill out on the floor. More dolls.. play dough, plastic food, those ridiculous plastic high heels she wears, a tiara, another package of some sort of blue horse.. "Rafe bought me toys!" She squeals excitedly, bouncing around in a circle before plopping down on her butt..hissing at the package before ripping it open as I stand confused.

What the hell?
"Where is Rafe?" I ask immediately being shushed by my six year old sister.. "I cannot be bothered at this time" she tells me, throwing her hand up before continuing to tear the box open. I shake my head, stepping over the mess she made before walking outside. Seeing Rafe as he pulls Haley's car seat out of his truck. Some odd thump feeling hits my chest as I watch him. Admiring the way his muscles flex when he lifts the car seat up, before walking towards me.
"You guys had an eventful day.." I mumble, catching an odd look in his eyes. He says nothing, only pushes past me making my stomach fall..Are we back to this?

"Uhm excuse me" I say as he sets Haley's car seat down inside the door. "What?" He sighs, moving back outside as if he can't fathom even being around me. "You never buy me anything" I tell him sarcastically, crossing my arms over my chest. Searching for any sort of softness in his eyes, any speck of of anything but find nothing. Nothing but his same cold, outer shell, dancing with his regular irritated demeanor. "Well that's because you don't deserve it" he tells me flatly, his words don't even come with a taunting grin or smirk..they're just cold.

"Well fuck you too!" I shout at him as he climbs in his truck before slamming the door and speeding off. My automatic defense to spit fire at whoever is an ass to me fades the second he's out of the driveway.

My stomach falls and I feel a nauseating weigh fill my chest, crushing me. Feeling much like a disappointed little kid, having hope for something and then having them ripped apart. I opened up to him and this is how he acts? Not even the dry humor part of him I've gotten to know but just his regular mean self..

I knew better than to open up to him. My conscience told me he was only asking to dig in deeper. Find pieces of me he could exploit and use against me. But the tiny flicker of hope in me and whatever that feeling was that swallowed me in warmth made me feel like I could. Only pricing that you should always listen to the survival instincts in you over hope.. The alarms to protect myself went off but I ignored them in hope I wouldn't need to protect myself because he would.. how fucking delusional was that?

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