Chapter Fifty Two

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    •:A Self Destructive Ocean :•


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"Rafe be quiet!" My whisper shout being cut off by a squeal a second later. Rafe's arms lock around my body, hoisting me up as if I weigh nothing. My legs circling his waist before he kicks the door shut behind him.

My heart pounding violently in my chest, assaulting my veins and arteries. My blood flowing hot through my veins, laced with anticipation and fear. Heat soaking the delicate lace of my panties as the spot between my legs begins to throb.

I was expecting him all day but it still didn't dilute the sputter of adrenaline in my chest every time I heard a car outside. My back hits the mattress, the moonlight glittering in through my broken blinds gleams down on me. Being the only source of light in the dark of my room. "We're you waiting for me princess?" He asks as I tilt my head to the side. Dragging my bottom lip between my teeth as I stare up at him.

Butterflies erupting violently in my stomach, watching him pull his shirt off over his head. His abs flexing as he does so. The darkness of the room shading in the defined divots. Moonlight highlighting their outline. The sight only more wetness to coat the lace serving as sorry excuse for underwear.

"Mhm" I mumble, my nipples hardening beneath the thin fabric of my tank top. My eyes trailing down his stomach and to the defined V that disappears into his jeans.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard baby" His body cages me in, leaning over my frame until his face is inches from mine. Gripping my face and forcing my eyes to meet his. "So fucking hard Lily, and then I'm going to do it again..and again until you're nothing but a brain dead mess for me"

Blazing lava like sensations coil at the bottom of my spine, dripping done my core. My blood boiling with excitement, laced with anticipation coated fear.
My eyes going round as I stare up at him, squishing my thighs together as much as I can. The predatory glow burning behind the blue of his eyes making me feel like an injured gazelle about to be feasted upon.

"Open that pretty mouth for me" He grins. The moonlight gleaming down on his face, sharpens the beauty of his features.

I obey, parting my mouth, my tongue covering my bottom lip as I stick it out. His grasp softens ever so slightly from where his fingertips are pressed into the fleshy tissue of my cheeks. My lower stomach fluttering with aching need as he lets spit drip from his lips and fall onto my tongue.

"Good to see you're so eager to listen to me now" He snickers. Dipping his face into my neck before sucking on the sensitive flesh. My eyes flutter shut at the sensations shocking down my body, throbbing between my legs at the heat of his mouth and moisture of his tongue. "Well maybe if you didn't say it as if you're the boss of me, I'd be more inclined to listen"
His hand grips my jaw a second later, his nose brushing mine. "Keep running that mouth Alilia, you're already so fucked you'll be lucky if I let you come at all tonight"
He pulls away with such suddenness it startles me.

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