Chapter Forty One

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•:Cold As Snow:•


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I flick my visor open. My palms growing sweaty with anticipation under the leather of my gloves. Shutting my bike off as Liam rolls up next to me. The loud roars of our engines coming to a stop.

Rolling my neck as it cracks but does nothing to release the tension in my shoulders. "This is the place?"
He asks as the sound of velcro tears and he slips his gloves off. Sure is..the same place I picked her little snot face ass up from and she lied to me.

I nod, shoving my gloves into the front pocket of my jeans. My eyes scanning the large home with a balcony stretching across the entirety of the first level, french windows and an obnoxious F engraved into the front door for their last name. Ignoring Liam fucking off on his phone.

Fury burns hot beneath my skin as I cross my arms over my chest and lean back, adjusting my gun in the waistband of my jeans. Already scanning the driveway for cars but find none. They could be in the garage, they're could be house keepers or yard maintenance. Lucky for me I have no fucks to give who sees, if I get caught or thrown in jail for assaulting a minor.

"Oh you're going to like this" He tells me before swinging his leg over his bike and taking two steps until he's standing beside me. Refraining from elbowing him when his helmet smacks mine.

He lowers his phone into my view, a video of what looks to be some stupid fucking party flashes across the screen. Shouting and laughter as some sprays champagne across a crowd. The glow of a pool in the background. Looks to have been at night.
"What the fuck am I watching?" I growl hearing him laugh. What the fuck could he possibly find humorous right now? "Read it"

My eyes narrow, scanning the screen before they pause on the account who posted the video.


My blood boils at the fuckers name. They drop to the caption a second later before my brows soften from the narrower stare they were in and my lips tug into a grin.

18 is going to be fun
Posted two days ago

Why yes it is.

Assault on a minor..What minor?

My gaze flickers to Liam whose smirking down at me. Swinging my leg over my bike as he snickers. Hanging my helmet on the handle while he chooses to bring his with him.

He follows beside me as I make my way around the side of the house. A tennis court coming into view as we slip around the corner and check around, seeing no one in sight. "I told you to leave that at home" Be growls, scolding me as if I'm child as I adjust my gun against my waist.

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