Chapter Forty Nine

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Liar, liar


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"You're going to fall" I tell Haley as she climbs up on top of the countertop and spins in a circle. Holding the skirt of her pink nightgown out to the sides.

"I'm a professional" She tells me before plopping down on her butt. My eyes falling to the way the linoleum surface is peeling at the corners. I wouldn't be surprised if she fell straight through the damn thing. I'm quite fucking certain this sorry excuse of a house wouldn't pass a safety inspection test,

Turning my attention back to the fridge, my disgust growing at the lousy options. A jar of half gone grape jelly, some blue fruit punch mixture in a glass covered with saran doubt Haley's doing.. random cans of soda and less than a half gallon of probably rancid milk.. I won't bother opening the cupboards, knowing I'll only find stolen boxes of pancake mix, macaroni and whatever else will discreetly fit into a bag. Things that don't require more than a microwave or hot water.

Some odd unsettling feeling sitting in the pit of my stomach, my jaw ticking as I clench it and close the fridge door. I'm not very content with the lack of food they always have or the lack of income that provides it. It isn't Katie's fault, she works as hard as she can and takes any extra shifts that she's offered at the hospital. Though I'm sure it's exhausting to even be offered when she already works twelve hour back to back shifts. Nonetheless she takes them.
A good example of someone who works their ass off yet never receives equal measure in return. While I know people who never lift a finger yet have everything only because of family privilege or luck. Someone who never asks nor thinks they're entitled to help. I practically had to force the check I wrote for their bills into her hand. Not missing the way her eyes grew glassy when she finally gave in and hugged me, thanking me a million times.

She doesn't have an ounce of greed nor a selfish cell in her body. She's kind and soft hearted and reminds me of my mother. Always giving, putting her children first and her self last. Full of compassion and positivity.

And then there's her borderline psychotic, demented daughter whose still passed out asleep from being fucked in the woods last night. I'll never get over how pain, fear and anything along the lines of insanity turns her on. She's a lust sick demon and I'm so goddamn in love with her, I'd slit my wrists and bleed out for her if she asked me to.

Haley woke me exclaiming she was starving and proceeded to pull on my arm over and over until I got up out of bed and followed her into the kitchen. "You have no food"

"We have jelly, get me a spoon!" She demands, standing back up and swaying the skirt of her nightgown around. My lips curling into a disgusted look, the feeling in my stomach not far off from it.
"No" I tell her, moving to stand in front of the counter in case she falls off. Her long red hair, messy from sleep. Scrunching her nose up and crossing her arms over her chest at me. "And why not?"

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