Chapter Forty Five

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                     •:You Belong To Me:•


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"Give me my phone Rafe.." Lily says, crossing her arms over her chest as her green eyes narrow on me, but not before I catch the fear that splinters between her brows and the shock widening her eyes. She didn't have to give herself away with that look for me to know she's guilty but it certainly seals the nail in the coffin.

My eyes flicker back to the screen re-reading the message that has me fighting to restrain myself from smashing the fucker.

Chad12_: I'd pay thousands to have you down on your knees before me. Your lips around my cock but for now how three fifty? I can't get enough of you. A video, Undress for me then spread your legs and show me that pussy.

My anger glows a deep shade of red, vibrating up my core. The notification only allowing me to read the one message before it prompts me to enter her passcode.

What in gods name has she done?
"Can't get enough of you? What in the fuck have you been doing Alilia?" I growl. Watching her slightly wince at my tone before she quickly recovers and her green eyes pierce daggers through me. Fury consuming her features. "It's non of your goddamn business now give me my fucking phone!" She hisses, sitting up on her knees and trying to swat her phone from my hands. I only back away, opening the passcode back up. She's not dumb enough to make it something obvious like her birthdate.

"Open it"
"No" She swings her legs over the bed. "Give me my fucking phone" Her tone radiates under my skin and my blood thickens with anger. "You have no fucking right, give me my phone, it's not yours!"

No but you are

She balls her fists up at her sides, fury fuming off of her creamy skin. Red flickering behind her eyes as I watch her control snap and she shifts towards me.

I take two strides across the room until I practically step on her toes, towering over her five foot two frame. My chest pressing into her and practically knocking her on her ass. Reminding her exactly who she's up against. If she thinks for a fucking second she's going to overpower me and win this then she's even more deranged then I thought. "What are you going to do Alilia? Fight me for it?" I hold her phone just out of reach. Red hot anger coiling up my spine, assaulting the vertebrae and sending shocks of fury through my blood stream.

Her nose twitches as her chest heaves up and down, cheeks turning red as her green eyes hold mine in a deadly stare. The wheels spinning violently behind her gaze. "You can't get into it" She finally huffs, having found her last attempt at stopping me.

My lips curve into an agitated grin before I bend my spine and lean my face in until it's level with hers, staring into the pools of green chaos. Searching for any flecks of other colors in her eyes but find none. Pure glassy pools of deep emerald framed by long dark lashes and blazing with fire. Fuck she's beautiful.

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