Chapter Twenty Two

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•:Covering It Up:•


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The gravel crackles under my tires as I pull up in front of some fucking shit looking shack. Barry happened to just where this fucker lives..or lived. We'll see.

My eyes land on the fucker and I shut my engine off. Feeling my anger burn under my skin. Black and purple bruising covers his fucking face, red gashes and swelling consumes his skin. I don't think it's enough.

"I haven't done anything to her" he speaks, as soon as his eyes land on me, scrambling up from his chair, his beer falling to the ground with a crash and splattering everywhere. "I don't think we left things on a good note" I say through my teeth, stalking towards him. He has some nerve to not take off fucking running. It wouldn't matter, if I wanted to I could catch him, he'd be dead. "I've left her alone, I've done what you said"
"Stop talking" I tell him, clenching my jaw and balling up my fists just looking at his fucking face. The bruising on her neck and horror in her eyes flashing through my mind. While that plays a part in my reasoning for coming, I have other motives.

Like what his fucking idea was, trying to get her killed with Nico. Or trying to have her kill herself by giving her crushed up oxy. "What do you want?" He asks trying to appear that he's not intimidating, although I can practically smell the fear radiating off of him.
"Explain to me what your idea was sending her to Nico?" I step towards him and he takes a step back. Pathetic fuck.

"She wanted drugs" he tells me and I smirk. Are we going to play this game? I'm quite fucking good at it.
I step forward, reaching out and grabbing him by the neck of his shirt before he has time to move away. "Answer the question" I tell him, dropping him to the ground when he tries to pull away, before stepping over him, crouching down and taking hold of it again. His eyes widen with fear, surrounded by red marks and bruising, the entire side of his jaw is swollen and purple. I hope it's fucking broken.

"You knew what would happen if she bought from him" I twist his shirt in my hand, tightening it around his fucking neck as he chokes. "She said she'd pay it back" he struggles to breathe. "And the crushed up oxy? I can't imagine a low life like would wouldn't know how fucking potent that shit is. Are you trying to make her kill herself?"

"What she does with it isn't my problem" he tells me, flashing red through me and I bash his fucking head against the ground, clenching my teeth together so fucking hard they might just fucking shatter. "I wouldn't care if she did, you clearly haven't seen the other side of her" he chokes. "Say one more fucking thing about her and see where it gets you" I tell him through my teeth; watching the motherfucker smirk.

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