Chapter Thirty One

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•:The Sound Of Sirens:•


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I'm startled out of the dreamless sleep I was in. The sound of loud knocking echoing through my ears and vibrating into my ear drums making me wince.

"Lily!" My name is shouted and I slam my eyes shut, blinking hard before they flutter open and the room spins.
My eyes moving around the bathroom as I become aware of the cold tile against my cheek. Seeing the darkness of the room, the shine on the toilet from the night light reflecting onto the porcelain.
The blue rug below the sink. I don't even remember coming in here.. "Lily!"
"What?!" I shout, regretting it a second later when a sharp pain shoots through my skull and I suck in a sharp breath, coughing profusely as it hits my lungs. Feeling them contract and wheeze.

"I need to shower, you've been in there forever" Aria shouts as I sit up and rub my temples. "Give me a minute" I tell her. My eyes falling to the bag of oxy lying on the floor along with the burnt tinfoil and my lighter. My brows drawing together as I stare at it, the memory of coming in here and the plastic of the straw on my lips flickers through my head but it's all black after that.

I passed out..I have got to stop using so much.. I've already used almost all of it.

I slump out of the bathroom, earning a suspicious look from Aria. "You look like shit" she tells me and shoot her a death stare as I ignore her. "Lily" she calls as I make my way to my room. "What?" I ask, annoyed as I turn around, leaning against the doorway for support. Meeting her eyes, round with concern as they search around my face, falling to my hand against the pocket of my sweatshirt that I have everything stuffed in. Praying she doesn't try and see what it is..

"What are you on?" She asks as her eyes flicker back to me. Too numb and in a dazed state for my pulse to even spike with worry. "I just drank too much" I lie before moving into my room and slamming the door.

Trying to shove down the pit of fear swirling in my stomach. I know it's getting bad..Bad enough that I'm passing out and forgetting that I even smoked until I wake up..but I'll stop soon..I will.

It's become such a craving. I have tried to ignore it just to see and all that did was terrify me.. Terrify me because I've never become so hyper irritated and angry so quickly. Like the second it left my system, I needed more.

I'm going to stop..I am.

Tossing every thing in my drawer before moving over to my bed. Passing out the second my head hits the pillow.

"A sleepover?" I ask as Sarah's squeals into the phone and I hold it away from my ear before I lose my hearing. "Yes! Just the three of us, no boys! We can do our nails and watch a movie and face masks and oh! We can make brownies!" She tells me excitedly and I can't help but smile at how happy she sounds. We haven't had a sleepover in a while, it's been at least a year. The first one we had was just a few months after the accident..

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