Chapter Fourteen

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              •:A Little Too Far:•


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It's an odd feeling to know something is bad enough that you want to feel guilty for doing it but it feels too good that you can't. Or maybe I'm just too high to be able to process any real feelings at all. But it's also exciting and a rush.

I felt the life seep back into my soul the second I got my hands on my oxy.
And this time some other things.
Kade happen to know someone who could..provide..for me and let me pay later. The only catch was that I only have two weeks after whatever is it that I get to get the money back to him. Whether I sell it or use it. He doesn't care as long as it's within two weeks. I can do that..I only got a little. Right now I think I'm at three hundred. I don't know how but I'll figure it out. He didn't have much oxy since it isn't something he normally sells but he gave me something that he said was similar called Bennies..or that's the street name for it. I think it's some sort of amphetamine but to be honest I'm not sure and I don't really care. The high is great and that's all I'm chasing right now.

I was scared at first. His trailer is on the most ugly and scary part of the cut. All of it is pretty bad but that'll either step on a needle filled with someone or get jumped and stabbed.
I wasn't sure what he'd be like but he reminded me a lot of Barry only Barry is a lot less scary. I think he's in his mid to late twenties, possibly early thirties. His names Nico and he's covered in tattoos. I wouldn't say he was friendly but he wasn't mean either. However I did get goosebumps and shake like my body was strongly warning me to turn around but my craving was stronger.
Something about him made alarms go off in my head, he didn't act like he'd hurt me but I get the feeling you wouldn't want to cross him or be late on..a payment.. But I won't be! I'll figure something out and Kade wouldn't have sent me to him if he was dangerous.

I dance around my room, with my phone volume turned up to high. Blasting my ears through Arias headphones I still. Held together with pink duct tape. They're on the verge of giving out, to the point if you bend them they will short out and stop working on the one side then you have to wiggle them around until it starts working again.

I did promise myself I'd only get shit from him once. Just once to make the withdrawals go away or lighten up and then I'd stop. But here I am, only having met him two weeks ago and I've already paid him a visit three times, leaving there with something everyone on of those..
He was kind enough to give me an extension on my payments too and with no sex deal like with Rafe.
Since I had come back so many times so soon he said all of it can be paid two weeks out of the last thing I got..
Which at the time seemed like I had forever to get but now that I'm down to the last week I'm starting to worry.

Thankfully whatever it is I'm on is helping to relieve that worry.


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