Chapter Five

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••:So It Begins:••


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I shove my phone back in my pocket after seeing a text from Aria, asking where I went. I shove my hands in my pockets and walk the rest of the way into town, deciding that going into a few shops and doing some shopping can't hurt. I can't steal anything that Haley would want for her birthday. Not here at least.
There aren't many shops that carry toys around here, only on figure eight.

The bell above the door dings as I push the door open. My nose being filled with the smell of cinnamon. I suppose I'd say this is my favorite shop on the cut. In the tiny small excuse of a 'town' this is but at least it's something and I'm not getting side eyes and sneers from everyone because I look what I am..a pogue.

"Welcome in!" The old lady behind the counter greets me with a warm smile, her glasses barley balancing on the tip of her nose. She's always so sweet and you can tell she does her best to keep this shop nice.
It may be used clothes but everything is always nice and folded and smells like cinnamon. She hand tags everything with a safety pin and bow. It makes me feel bad to..take things but sometimes you have to help yourself when you don't have the luxury of ever having a penny.

I give her a smile before walking around the shop, half pretending to look around and half trying to spy what will be an easy grab.
My eyes scan the front of the store as I move behind a rack that hide a stand with jewelry. Seeing the lady is helping someone up front. I waste no time grabbing up a few beaded bracelets, some with charms and some with just tumbled stones on an elastic string, real or not, there's someone on the cut who will buy it. I zip up the pocket of my hoodie. It's my favorite hoodie for that reason, the pockets zip so nothing falls out..

I slip a few rings over my fingers, shoving my hand into the butt pocket of my jeans and letting them slide off into it. Once almost all of my pockets are full without being noticeable, I move across the shop to another rack of clothes before grabbing a random shirt up. "You wouldn't happen to have this is a small would you?" I ask the lady, holding it up for her to see. A sorry expression covers her face making me feel like shit. "Everything is donated so no, I usually don't have multiples" she shakes her and I slightly pout my lip before putting it back on the rack. "That's alright" I tell her before moving towards the door. "Have a nice day" she tells me.

I almost feel nauseous by the time I'm out the door. Some people deserve to be stolen from but not an old lady like that who works so hard and probably still doesn't have much if she's still here on the cut..She just makes it so easy, and she's never paying enough attention to catch you. She's probably not even aware that people are stealing right in front of her, she's too innocently minded to think that people are bad.

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