Chapter Fifteen

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•:Control Me:•


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I should have chosen a different fucking day to pay Barry a visit.
Any other fucking day would have done but it had to be today that I did.

I had some business to take care of, that was it. Instead I walked into him having a mental fucking breakdown over fuck knows what. That should have been my first sign to leaven but nope.
My dumb fuck ass stayed.

"This isn't my fucking problem" I tell him as he paces around like a some mental teenage girl. I didn't know he even knew her let alone gave two shits about her.

"She's going to get herself killed man, what do you know hear about that?" He asks, pointing his fingers to his temples. "The part that didn't involve" I tell him flatly watching his eyes practically turn red.
"She's got a family, she's got little sisters. What if he went after 'em huh? She might be dumb but those little girls don't deserve what he'd do to 'em" he tells me. That sentence finally hitting me funny.

Alilias youngest sister flashes through my mind. Almost making me feel on the verge of nauseous. Nico..Nigel. The fucker only changed it to Nico last year to try and fly under the radar and some how that's been working for him. I've never dealt with him directly mostly because I rather stab forks through my eyes then be in the presence of such scum but being in've run into him from time to time.

I've known plenty of dealers in the time I've been part of it. I've heard more about him than I've seen although I do know he has a collection of murders on his hands. I've also heard he's played a bit in human trafficking or more so selling the women he deals to. Nice guy.
How he hasn't been thrown in fucking prison yet I don't know.
And I really..don't fucking care.I don't know the reason for all of them but I've heard people say not to cross him. Not to be late on a payment or try anything else with him.

I'm not sure if he thinks that handful of warnings surrounding his name is intimidating or something.
Maybe it works on some dumb fucks.

Like Alilia..or Barry. He's pretty fucking dumb.

My jaw starts to grow sore, only then do I realize how hard I was clenching it. "I try to warn her but she don't listen, she don't hear nothing you tell her. She'll try and go work something out and get herself killed" he rambles on again and I roll my eyes.
"Enough shut up" I tell him reaching up and scrubbing my hands down my face. "She owes him..Owes him shit she can't pay" he tells me despite the fact that I nicely asked him to shut the fuck up.

I couldn't give less of a fuck about what she does. But for some odd, fucking reason I do seem to care about her dumb little sister. And if that fucker came after her.
There's only two outcomes to this. Haley ends up dead or her older sister does. Both of those seem to effect the ginger tot and for whatever fucking reason I'm not very okay with that.

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