Chapter Twenty

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    •:How Does That Feel Motherfucker?:•


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  "I really can't believe he did this.." Sarah tells me as she raises her brows, setting up Haley's wrapped presents on one of the tables.

Me either.. I thought when he said he'd figure out the pool that he'd let us have it at their house although I did think of that. I could have asked Sarah and I'm sure Ward would have been just fine with it.
However asking to use their pool for the day and have ten or so toddlers take over their yard is a lot to ask.
I didn't however expect him to reserve the island club pool for the day..
That was generous.. I still haven't figured out his motive for this one. The fact that it probably cost a fortune and now I'll owe him for that too. I'm sure that's it.
I don't know if I should thank him or stab him with my eyelash curler.

"I'm going to go check on the catering" Sarah tells me before walking off.. I'm not sure how that got worked into this either, that might have just been Sarah.

"Just a friend huh?" I hear my mother say before she nudges my arm and I roll my eyes. "He likes Haley" I shrug. It isn't a lie. He does seem to have a soft spot for her for some reason. And he wasn't half as much of an ass to Aria as he is to me..or my mother.

Maybe it's just me he hates. He even said he fixed the door knob so no one could get in and hurt them..I was excluded from that.
"But your name is Lily" my mother tells me, quite amused with herself. "That would be so sweet, you and Sarah would be sisters in law!" She tells me excitedly. Her words quite literally making me feel nauseous although it feels more like a kick to the stomach. "Mom! Trust me when I tell you that is not what's going on between us" I blurt, regretting the way I worded that a second later when she raises a brow at me. "Oh and what is going on?"

"Nothing! Oh look I'm needed over there" I move as fast as I can away from her before I give anything else away. She won't pry but that won't stop her from making assumptions.

I watch as Haley plugs her nose before jumping into the pool. The crowd of little girls she invited shouting and chanting as she jumps and water splashes everywhere.

My heart swells in my chest at her smile, displayed between her chubby freckle covered cheeks, hearing her laugh and giggle. Not even just for her being able to have her pool party for the other little girls that are also from the cut that get to enjoy a day like this. In this fancy rich club on figure eight. I just pray that all of them get out of their one day and don't end up like me. I was a little girl like that once too, with a smile and laugh and it was real. I had light in my eyes, I saw the world through colored lenses and hope. I was like Haley once too and nothing makes me more nauseous than to remember it. I can remember being that age and being so care free and free of worry but I can't remember what it felt like.

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