Chapter 3: Permanent Retirement

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Chapter 3: Permanent Retirement

It had been a week since the Tennyson's took down Animo, Gwen had pranked Ben by switching his shampoo with pink hair dye so his hair was still pink. Ben hadn't gotten revenge on Gwen yet, but when he does it'll definitely be satisfying. Max told them they were gonna go and visit his sister their great Aunt Vera.

Ben groaned in annoyance while Gwen was all too giddy to see their aunt. Max told them she lived in a retirement community in Nevada. Ben was currently scrolling through the watch while Gwen watched in boredom.

"Didn't grandpa tell you to stop messing with that thing?" Gwen asked as Ben shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm scrolling through my playlist and giving them names." He arrived at that crystalized alien and smirked, "Hm, I'mma call you, Chromarock. Nah that's lame. Chromastone!" He turned the dial to see another unused alien he hasn't tried yet. It looked to be made of slime, "Hmm, I'll call you Goop."

"Why Goop? Why not name it a pile of snot." Gwen retorted.

"Gwen, be quiet before I make you regret it." Ben glared as he then spun the dial to see a large crab,
"Whoa, look at the brains on him. Brainblast? No. Braingrain? Noo. Brainhunter? Close, but no."

Max from the drivers seat could tell his grandson was struggling before adding his input, "How about Brainstorm?"

Ben's eyes widened, "Yes that could work, Brainstorm. Thanks grandpa."

Max smiled and nodded as Ben spun to the last hologram this one was a bit plain and decided he doesn't deserve a name for now at least. He spun the watch a few more times before deactivating it, gaining Gwen's attention.

"Why didn't you name the last one?" Gwen asked.

Ben shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, maybe I need to see it in action before I name it."

Gwen raised her eyebrow, "You didn't need to see Goop or Brainstorm in action, but named them anyway."

"I named them based on appearance, compared to the last alien." Ben answered.

"You're a complicated person." Gwen replied and Ben shrugged his shoulders.

Ben went to gazing out the window as they entered the quiet retirement home. Gwen had taken her spot in the passenger seat while Ben gazed out the window lifelessly. He watched as an old man backflipped off the roof sending the shocked Ben bewildered, "Whoa! Did you guys see that?!" Ben shouted.

"What are you talking about?" Gwen responded.

"That old man he just backflipped off his roof." Ben exclaimed.

"Ben, I doubt that's what you saw." Max answered.

Ben huffed in annoyance as he went back to gazing out the window, "I know what I saw." He retorted as the RV soon stopped infront a small house. With a women in her late sixty's standing outfront with a smile on her face.

She had short white hair, a red Hawaiian shirt with yellow flower patterns, a beige skirt, and black flats. She waved cheerfully as the RV door opened, "Vera!" Max responded happily to see his big sister.

"Max!" Vera hugged her little brother before Gwen stepped up next, "Gwendolyn." She smiled hugging her grand niece.

"Aunt Vera!" Gwen hugged her back before the pink haired alien hero stepped up.

"Benjamin! What happened to your hair?" She questioned as his hair was still pink.

"A very very very cruel prank." He responded with anger before shaking his head, "It's great to see you, Aunt Vera."

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