Chapter 14: Grudge Match

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Chapter 14: Grudge Match

It was a bright and sunny day, but something was amiss. The Rust Bucket was flipped onto it's side with smoke leaking from the hood. Inside the Rust Bucket Gwen and Max were in the front seats, semiconsicous to the attack that occurred a few minutes prior, but someone was missing.

Out in the nearby field, an ongoing battle was taking place. As Ben Tennyson in his Crystalsapien form known as Chromastone went flying backwards colliding into one of the windmills. He groaned in pain before his assailant made himself known.

"You are one sorry sight douche stone." Replied the voice of Kevin Levin who was trapped inside his mutated body of Ben's aliens.

"The name's Chromastone, and speaking of sorry sights have you looked in the mirror lately." Chromastone glared before getting back up and readying himself for Kevin's next attack.

Kevin glared darkly, "It's payback time for turning me into a freak."

"You were always a freak, Kevin. Now the ugly's just on the outside. Plus I tried repeatedly to help you, not my fault you don't take handouts." Chromastone retorted which didn't bode well with Kevin.

"Diss me all you want! I'm still ten times cooler than you! I've got all your powers plus my own! I'M ULTIMATE KEVIN!" He declared boldly before launching a beam of UV rays at him. The attack collided with the Crystalsapien who absorded the attack like it was nothing before glaring right back at the walking tank of a hybrid.

"Too bad that each of one of those is only a TENTH as powerful as mine!" Chromastone soon begun his advance on the alien who unleased a web from his unhinged jaw trapping the alien hero.

"Seriously!" He glared before burning the webbing off as Kevin charged forward his cape and hood taking the appearance of an antenna and moth wings. He grabbed the distacted crystallized alien before flying high into the air with him. Then twirling him around before letting him go as he watched him collide with one of the windmills below.

But Kevin's victory was soon shortlived when Chromastone had one of the windmills turbine blades in his hand and hurled it at him like a ninja star. Kevin went wide eyed before trying to fly away when the turbine collided with his midsection. Chromastone watched as he crashed landed into the field.

Kevin soon climbs back onto his feet before the two lock eyes. A slient nod is exchanged between them before they both charge at each other head on. As soon as the attacks were to be exchanged a large red beam appears from above, enshrouding them before lifting them away.

Gwen and Max climb out of the RV, having recovered enough to help when they find both Ben and Kevin gone, "Ben?"

In a dark room, the beam releases hold of Chromastone. The Crystalsapien gazes around before a spotlight lands on him, "What's going on?"

"Ladies and gentlement, it seems our challenger is from Earth!" A voice announces, Chromastone gazed around repeatedly for either his surroundings or Kevin.

The lights soon come on around the arena, Chromastone gazes around to find himself in the middle of the arena. He sees various alien species seated in the stands cheering loudly.

"Something tells me, I'm not in Kanas anymore." Chromastone retorts. When someone smashed into his distracted frame.

Chromastone rolls along the arena floor before righting himself to see who was trying to attack him. He catches sight of a droid with two scythes for hands. In another section of the arena, Kevin is also found battling the same droid.

Chromastone dodges one of its slices before catching the large appendage. He balled up his fist tightly before punching the scythe and shattering the blade into pieces, "Hm, usually I have to hold back when I fight to avoid killing someone, but I guess I can let loose every now and then." He took a stance before throwing his hands up infront of his face.

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