Chapter 28: All That Glitters

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A/N: Our second Alien Force episode, there'll be one more at chapter 30 ending season 3 and drawing into our fourth installment of our Remastered tale. Enjoy the Chapter.

Chapter 28: All That Glitters

"I'm sure, you're curious on why you're here?" He spoke calmly to the fidgeting teenager infront of him.

"Not curious enough." He responded crossing his arms over his chest to prove he didn't care as to why he was here.

The man smirked, "I see, maybe if I send you back to the Null Void, you'll be more cooperative." The teenager paled before turning his attention back to his benefactor, "Uh huh, that's what I thought."

"Why do you even need me?" He huffed out as the man chuckled.

"A friend of mine said it was time for you to be released. He was also the one who crafted that nifty bracelet your wearing to control your mutation, but by all means if you wanna go back to the Null Void we can arrange a transport back." He eyed the teenager critically, "Feel like playing ball, Levin?"

Kevin Levin sighed before rubbing his face, "What do you need me to do?"

"That's the spirit." He soon tossed four manilla folders onto the desk.

"What's this?" Kevin asked moving forward as he gazed at the folders curiously.

"What I'm about to tell you, never leaves this room. If you so much as breathe any information. I'll see to it you're chained and tortured within the Null Void, do you understand?" The man narrowed his one eye as the teenager nodded.

"I understand." He gulped softly at the looming threat hanging in the air.

"There's a war coming, Levin." He stated which shocked the teenager, "And it centers around one person." He pushed one of the bigger manilla folders forward meaning he wanted Kevin to look through it.

Kevin seeing the unspoken message picked it up and scowled once he read the contents inside, "You can't be serious."

"I'm dead serious."

"Why him?"

"I said the same thing, but our mutual friend answered 'It's his destiny.' He also told me, it's time to restart the Avengers Initiative." Kevin's eyes widened in shock at the revival of the greatest team known to man.

"Restart the Avengers? I thought we'd never get another after the whole Ultron incident." Kevin asked incredulously.

"Smart kid. You're correct, I honestly had no intentions of restarting it, but our mutual friend can be very persuasive. He showed me everything. From the newest line up to the end." He smiled softly, "It's not a bad ending from my perspective."

"You keep saying our mutual friend? Who is it?"

"You'll be meeting him soon enough, so he says." He chuckled as Kevin nodded absentmindedly before gazing back into the manilla folders contents.

"So this 'mutual friend' not only wants to restart the Avengers, but wants Tennyson to lead them?" Kevin asked cautiously.

"Doesn't want him to lead it. He will lead them and I want you on the team, Levin." He stated which shocked Kevin even more.

"You want me on the team, but I can't stand Tennyson." He declared, "It was his fault, I mutated that badly. It was his fault, I was trapped in the Null Void! I'd rather die than work with him."

Kevin's benefactor eyed him cautiously, "Watch your words, Levin or we can arrange your death. I know you and Tennyson have bad blood, but you gotta learn to forgive and forget. Tennyson felt the same way, why do you think he's tried to help you so many times?"

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