Chapter 9: Secrets

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Chapter 9: Secrets

In the sky's of South Dakota, a large news helicopter is following after a police chase. The helicopter's door was hanging open, with an Asian woman in black dress suit, with a white collared shirt, black long skirt to match, and black high heels. Sitting across from her was a young man with red hair and freckles, he wore a white T-shirt, red and black flannel shirt, blue jeans, and red converses. He was holding a large black camera towards the young Asian reporter.

"This Is Wendy Cho, from Channel 5 News bringing you an armed robbery. Three robbers have robbed the nearby bank and are currently escaping through the highway. It is not confirmed if they have any hostages." The Asian woman known as Wendy Cho stated as the young camera man pointed the camera towards the ongoing chase.

Below a small black Nissan Maxima was speeding through cars with blue and red lights chasing behind them. They were heading up the ramp when a large RV, was racing by. The door to the RV swung open revealing a woman with long red hair tied up in a ponytail, black and purple cat mask, blue and black collared shirt, black skirt, black leggings, and black shoes. She held her right hand out with a small book in her left hand.

"Emocha Objectia!" Gwen's hand started glowing bubble gum pink, as the spell soon hit the back tire of the car. It soon swelled up like a balloon before popping hard. Gwen smirked as the Maxima started swirling out of control, "Your up-" She moved aside as the Omnitrix Wielder moved into the door frame, "Ben."

Ben flashed his famous grin before scrolling through his playlist, "I think it's about time I even the odds." He replied before landing on a certain hologram, "It's hero time!" He slammed his hand onto the faceplate becoming engulfed in an emerald light.

Ben started shrinking and was soon engulfed in a white containment suit. A pair of headphones rested ontop of his head, with a grey visor with his emerald eyes shining behind them. The headphones were connected to a backpack on his back with the number 10 on it. On his legs resembled cassette tapes. On his forearms were grey bands with green sound holes in them. A large black line took up most of his face went down his face and towards his neck where it stopped. His fingers were black, as a black line encircled his knee and the bottom of his feet. On his shoulders were two black lines as they raced down his back and resumed around his waist and formed a giant black circle in the middle of his chest where his Omnitrix badge resided, "ECHO ECHO!" The Sonorosian exclaimed.

The Sonorosian launched off the RV, towards the swirling car. Echo Echo landed ontop of the roof, as two more clones hopped out of his body, the three Sonorosian's soon launched a sonic scream at the hood of the car denting the piece of metal. The robbers did their best to get control of the vehicle, but with the tires out and the engine was currently failing they didn't see another way out.

The robber soon slammed on the brake launching the three Echo's off the roof. They hit the street hard when the three robbers hopped out the car carrying the money they'd stolen and guns. They soon pointed the weapons at Echo Echo who was returning to their feet.

"Don't move freak!" The first robber yelled.

"Buddy, if I had a nickel for every 'don't move freak' I'm confident I could make a living from it." The main Echo replied sarcastically.

"We said don't move!" The second robber reiterated.

"Or what?" Echo Echo asked.

The third robber raced over and grabbed a young woman from the crowd and held his gun to her head, "Let's see what you can do about this, freak! NOW DON'T MOVE!"

Echo Echo narrowed his eyes behind his visor, before glancing at his two clones. They nodded simultaneously, before he sighed, "Fine, just don't hurt her."

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