Chapter 27: Under Wraps

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                     Chapter 27: Under Wraps

On a dark and cloudly night, a couple of teenagers snuck onto a farm to do some late night cow tipping. The boys were so into there prank they didn't notice the sky lighting up with multiple flashes of purple lightning. As they continued there prank, another boy wasn't so sure about being out this late.

"Guys, I don't think we should be doing this." He whimpered abit afraid of the oncoming storm brewing.

"Look guys, Todd's afraid of alittle cows." One of the boys teased as the rest of them started laughing at him.

"If you're so scared of the cow maybe you should run on home, Toddy." The other soon mocked as the boy named Todd looked around nervously.

"I can do this." He muttered to himself as he walked over to a nearby sleeping cow followed by his friends. He closed his eyes tightly before attempting to push the herbivore over, but his attempts failed signaling more laughter from his friends, "Stop laughing at me!" Todd screamed.

"No need to be so sensitive, Todd." The first boy replied as he wiped a tear from his eye, "Just watching you try to tip over a cow was just insanely funny."

Todd rolled his eyes, "Can we just get out of here."

"Fine, let's go guys."

The four teenagers soon start making there way out of the meadow when they hear an angry snort, "Todd, we get it you can't tip a cow over, but you don't need to be angry."

"That wasn't me." Todd answers fearfully.

The three other teenagers stop in fear when they turn around to see a raging black bull behind them. The four teenagers yell in fear as they start running away. The bull immediately chases after them. As they were getting closer to the wooden gate, Todd trips and falls leaving him to deal with the bull.

Todd closes his eyes as the bulls feet get closer when he hears it stop abruptly then hears it's feet running away. He slowly opens his eyes to see the bull gone, "That's weird? What'd it run away from?" He muttered softly when he heard a strange noise, he immediately froze like a deer caught in headlights as he slowly turned around to find a large Mummy standing there.

Todd screamed loudly before immediately fleeing the meadow as fast as his legs could carry him. The Mummy looked on as purple lightning soon flashed throughout the sky and as the light show died down the Mummy was gone.

The Rust Bucket was parked outside Dairyville, South Carolina. Ben was fiddling with the Omnitrix, Gwen was reading through her and Hope's shared spellbook, and Hope was on Gwen's computer surfing the internet. Max walked into the motorhome to find the trash overflowing, the dishes piling up in the sink, and beds completely messy.

"Didn't I ask you three to do your chores?" Max glares at the teenagers.

"In our defense, Ben has a speeding alien so the fact that there not done is Ben's fault." Gwen answered as she took off her glasses, Ben gazed up from his further attempts of hacking the Omnitrix.

"I told you this before, XLR8 has clawed hands, I'd break the dishes before they'd even get done. Besides don't you two have a spell to make all this go away?" Ben shot back as Hope closed Gwen's laptop.

"Ben, we told you this before, we can't just wave our hands and expect this to be done." Hope sighed as Ben rolled his eyes.

"That's not the point!" Max yelled gaining the teenagers attention, "I asked you three to do simple tasks and yet you blame each other for it. I wish I could teach you three the responsibilities of doing your chores."

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