Chapter 18: They Lurk Below

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Chapter 18: They Lurk Below

The Tennyson Family were on there way to an underwater resort, when a large jet flies above them. Ben watches in excitement as Gwen surfs her laptop and Hope laughs at Ben's enthusiasm.

"How do you know this guy, grandpa?" Gwen gazes to her grandfather who's pulling into the resort.

"Me and Donovan are old friends, he opened this resort years ago, but never had the chance to visit. And since the new school year's around the corner why not go say hello." Max replied as Ben sighed in annoyance.

"How could I forget school is starting soon." Ben retorted, "Is it too much to hope that our school will be struck by a meteor?"

Hope giggled, "Cheer up, Ben. I recently turned 18 so I'll be going to school with you."

Ben perked up on this new information, "Senior year?"

"Mhm." She nodded.

"Remind me, why she's going to your school?" Gwen retorted.

"Well, I don't have the money for a private school like you, Gwen." She chuckled, 'Plus it'll give me more time to spend with Ben.'

Gwen rolled her eyes, "Uh huh." The trio soon gaze out the window to find themselves coming into Donovan Grand Smith's Underwater Resort.

"We're here!" Max yells happily setting his RV in park.

The quartet of heroes climb out the RV to come into a large, but surprisingly empty parking lot. When a metallic cylinder opens at the very end of the resort. Revealing an older and young teenager about Ben and Gwen's age.

The older man had grey hair slicked backwards, with paled Caucasian wrinkled skin, blue oceanic eyes, wore a burgundy long sleeved turtleneck, with the collar being abit faded. He had on pair of tanned slacks with black pointed shoes.

The teenager standing next to him, stood abit more arrogantly. His hair was black, but slicked back, Caucasian tanned skin, and brown hazel-nut eyes. He wore a burgundy high collared turtleneck, just like his grandfather, he wore white slacks and red pointed shoes.

The duo soon stepped out from the elevator, the older man wore a smile while the younger boy gaze fell from the older Tennyson to the three accompanying him. He looked over Gwen first, then Ben before seeing a gleaming device attached to his left wrist. He raised an eyebrow, but thought nothing of it. Then his gaze fell on Hope, he looked her up and down finding her to be his picture perfect woman. He knew he had to have her.

"Max!" He heard his grandfather yell in excitement.

"Donovan!" The man named Max exclaimed in the same tone. The young teenager watched his grandpa hug the other old man, "It's been far too long since we've last seen each other."

"Indeed, old friend. I've spent the last twenty years building place from scratch. We're a week off from our grand opening." Donovan replied earnestly.

"That's amazing, so proud of you old friend." Max smiled before seeing the young man behind him, "And this must be your grandson, Edwin?" The boy known as Edwin smirked smugly before nodding.

"Indeed, the boy can be quite the handful some times." Donovan retorted before seeing the three figures standing behind him, "These must be your grandkids, huh, Max?"

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