Chapter 23: The Girl Who Cried BenWolf

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          Chapter 23: The Girl Who Cried BenWolf

In the empty desert of Arizona, Max was listening to an Indian Dream Catcher history on the radio, Gwen was riding in the passenger seat up front, Hope sat across from a bored riddled Ben Tennyson, who was staring lifelessly out the window.

"Ben, are you alright?" Hope asked curious about the alien hero's demeanor.

Ben blinked a few times before gazing over to the sorceress, "Yeah, just bored." He turned his attention to his grandfather who was upfront, "Grandpa, where are we going?"

"To visit my long time friend, Wes Green. His town is just a few minutes from here." Max answers as Ben nods absentmindedly as he went back to gazing out the window to watching the sun set in the horizon.

"Ben, did you ever name that new alien future you gifted you?" Gwen peeked from her seat at her bored cousin.

The alien hero smirked before nodding, "Yeah, went with the name: Articguana." After speaking the newest alien's name the Master Control feature picked up on his request and soon in a flash of emerald light, Ben was seated in the booth, as a blue alien iguana in a black and white jumpsuit.

Hope had to shield her eyes at the sudden burst of light, "Ben?!"

"Aw man, I was just saying the name. I didn't mean to actually transform into him." Articguana sighed before another emerald flash occured and Ben was back in the booth, adjusting his jacket.

Hope was stifling a laugh as Gwen got up and sat next to her, "Articguana, huh? Gotta admit that's a good name. For an amateur."

Ben laughed sarcastically, "Real funny."

"It's okay, Ben, I appreciate your naming abilities." Hope chuckled as Ben rolled his eyes to see a bright light approaching.

"Looks like we're here, gang." Max smiled as they drew closer to the small town. The trio gazed at all the small buildings located around the town. The RV soon stops infront of a large building that looked like a museum. The quartet soon climb out the motorhome to find various people, buying fruit, selling items, doing some sort of native dance. Until they hear a voice call out to them.

"Max!" The Tennyson's turn towards the voice to see someone standing infront of the museum.

Standing infront of the building is a Native American man, in a yellow shirt, brown leather jacket, jeans, and boots. He had grey hair tied back in a ponytail. Next to him was a girl about Ben and Gwen's age. She like the older man was Native American, black hair, with a loose bang, she was wearing a short sleeved red shirt, tan shorts, and brown boots.

"Wes!" Max grinned before walking towards the older Native who returned the greeting. The two men hugged tightly, "It's been many years, Wes, how've you been doing?"

"Life's been great, I believe you remember my granddaughter, Kai?" He questioned before gesturing to the teenager who bowed.

"Is that little Kai?" He laughed, "I haven't seen you since you were in diapers." Kai laughed lightly at his humor, "Wes, I believe you already know my grandkids." He gestured towards Ben and Gwen, "Ben and Gwen. And a friend of ours Hope."

"Nice to see you two again. And a pleasure to meet you Hope." Wes greeted, but it fell on deaf ears for Ben who couldn't stop staring at Kai. Ben felt his cheeks heat up when Kai glanced at him and smiled softly.

"You as well, Mr. Green." Gwen returned the greeting.

"Thank you for having us here." Hope smiled.

"Please, call me, Wes. Mr. Green was my father." He laughed which caused Max to laugh.

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