Chapter 15: Camp Fear

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Chapter 15: Camp Fear

Driving alongside the mountain range, were the Tennyson family. Gwen and Max listened to Ben's story on what occured after Kevin attacked them. Ben told them how he and Kevin had to team up countless amounts of times in order to survive, he retold how Kevin slammed a tray of slop into Technorg's face and then proceeded to blame him for it. And finally he told them how Kevin was planning on killing him before beating him as CannonBolt to then flying back home.

"Wait, you jumped into space?!" Max gazed into the rearview mirror as Ben nodded.

"I honestly thought I was gonna die, but better dying in space then in that ship with Kevin." Ben rubbed his temples in frustration.

"Ben, this is serious! You were able to survive the vacuum's of space and not only that, but you were able to travel through hyperspace!" Max remarked with a stern look on his face.

Ben raised an eyebrow before gazing at his grandpa and cousin who were in the front seats, "Hyperspace?" Ben tapped his chin before racing to the back of the RV and grabbing something from his bed.

"Ben?" Gwen called out, but he ignored her as he started flipping through the book till he found JetRay's species.

"Aerophibian." He muttered before skimming through the various abilities before he found one he was looking for, "Aerophibian's are capable of survival within space, being able to reach a maximum speed that's faster than light while capable of hyperspace travel. Hyperspace travel gets you to one end of the galaxy to the next in a matter of seconds."

"Ben, you okay back there?" Max asked which broke Ben from his stuper.

"Uh yeah, I'm good." He replied before gazing at the book, 'Who knew Jetray could travel from one point to the galaxy to the next.' Ben placed the book back onto his bed before sitting back in the booth when an unspeakable itch occured from his left foot.

Ben started jittering unexpectedly when Max caught the boy's unexpected movements, "Ben, you alright?" Ben soon kicked off his shoe and pulled his sock off. He immediately started scratching his foot.

'Must have caught something from the ship!' He thought before scratching it intensely.

"Ben, what's wrong?" Gwen asked.

"My foot feels like it's on fire!" Ben replied scratching it harder.

"I have something for that, Gwen reach into the glove compartment and get the foot powder." Max instructs as Gwen grabs a small white container and gets up and hands it to her cousin.

"What is this?" Ben asks.

"Foot powder, designed to kill fungus or whatever you caught when you were up there." Max answers.

Ben takes the powder as Gwen sits across from him, "Now that Ben is back we have another problem that needs to be addressed."

Ben raises an eyebrow, "Another problem? What is it?"

"Our birthday is coming up." Gwen answers before Ben slumps in his seat forgetting about his aching foot.

"Oh, great." Ben mutters before Max chuckles.

"I almost forgot, you guys are gonna be sixteen. What do you guys wanna do?" Max asks.

"Considering Ben found the Omnitrix, I think I should be the one to have it celebrated and we can celebrate his after." Gwen answers putting her glasses on and smirking.

"Yeah, that's not happening." Ben replies.

Max rolls his eyes before feeling an oncoming fight about to happen, "Here we go." He mutters to himself.

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