Chapter 25: Last Laugh

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                       Chapter 25: Last Laugh

After there whole Christmas debacle, the Tennyson family were currently enjoying themselves at a pierside carnival. Ben, Hope, Max, and Gwen were enjoying the rides before an explosion rocked the pier. Gazing over to a nearby yacht, the group could see black smoke rising from it.

"Wonder what's happening over there?" Max commented gazing at the yacht curiously.

"Grandpa, there being robbed." Gwen answered pointing to the robbers.

Ben narrowed his eyes before seeing two robbers, climbing into a rowboat near the yacht, "Crime never sleeps, so neither will I." Ben soon raced off from the Ferris Wheel leaving behind his family and the crowd watching.

"It's hero time!" He grinned before he slammed his hand onto the faceplate becoming engulfed in an emerald light.

The two robbers were soon rowing back to the pier's carnival when an unidentified creature was soon seen swimming beneath the seas surface. The robbers soon made it, beneath the pier to spot a ladder.

"Hurry up, before the police arrive." The first robber rushed as he started climbing the ladder as fast as he could with his haul of loot.

"I'm coming, can't believe how easy this was-" He trailed off before the sea exploded and a creature leaped upwards grabbing the second robber. He screamed before he was grabbed and pulled into the sea.

His partner heard his friends cry of help and turned around to find him gone, "James? Where'd you go?" He gazed around, but couldn't find him. Anger started coursing through his veins, "James, stop playing around and hurry up with the other bag!"

No reply. He almost thought that James betrayed him, when he saw six pairs of eyes attached to a unidentifiable creatures head with a lantern ontop poke through the sea. His eyes widened in fear before he backed up frantically, "Screw this!" He soon scooped up his loot and made a run for it.

RipJaws followed beneath the sea before dashing upwards and colliding with the piers boardwalk. The robber tripped over his own feet before he came face to face with the aquatic alien monstrosity. He started backing up when he saw it drawing closer to him. Then he heard something that frightened him even further.

He heard it speak, "Where do you think you're going?" It's voice was deep and raspy. His fangs which seemed to resemble that of a shark or a piranha.

"St-Stay aw-ay, you frea-freak!" He stuttered in fear which seemed to anger the aquatic alien.

"That's not very nice." He then started walking towards him which made him bump into a small hot dog cart. Seeing his opportunity to lose the monster he grabbed the cart and knocked it over quite aggressively.

The oil from the cart spilled all over the wooden boards surrounding the Piscciss Volann. RipJaws stopped in his tracks and gazes at the spilt oil before the crook pulled out a lighter, "Sashimi anyone?" He quipped before dropping the lighter as the oil soon caught fire.

"Fish jokes? I'm gonna make you regret that." RipJaws glared as the fire encircled him with the crook smirking confidently. RipJaws smirked before an idea popped into his head, 'This idiot clearly didn't seem my water intake filters, so why not play the part.'

The robber watched as he started breathing heavily, almost like he was croaking, "Wat-er!" He raspy voice croaked out, "Wa-ter!" It pleaded which made him sneer in victory.

"No water, only fire. You overgrown seafood platter." The crook laughed.

'Okay, now you're really gonna get it.' RipJaws glared before he leaped through the flames shocking the robber, "SURPRISE!" He yelled before punching the man straight in his jaw.

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