Chapter 12: Framed

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Chapter 12: Framed

After defeating the 'Great One and his band of followers', the Tennyson trio were standing outside a video game store in San Francisco. Ben had been raving about this game for the last week, the new Sumo Slammers All Stars.

"What's the difference from the other Sumo Slammer games you have?" Gwen asked.

"Sumo Slammer's All Star isn't the same as the other games. Not only can you play as different characters, but you can customize your own character and battle different people online." Ben shrieked in excitement.

"And I think this is why you don't have a girlfriend." Gwen mocked as Ben glared.

"Oh yeah, that's funny coming from you, who and I quote 'Doesn't have a boyfriend.'" Ben shot back as Gwen gasped.

"You take that back! I, so have a boyfriend!" Gwen yelled as Ben rolled his eyes and moved forward in line.

"That's not what you tell your diary." Ben snickered, "Oh did I say that outloud." Ben threw her a mischievous look as Gwen's eyes widened in shock.

"You read my diary?!" Gwen yelled as Max facepalemed himself.

"I honestly stopped reading when you started scribbing little hearts all over the page when you mentioned Kevin. Talking about becoming Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Levin. Seriously, gross." Ben faked hurled as Gwen was glaring daggers at him.

"When we get back to the Rust Bucket, you are so DEAD!" Gwen yelled.

'It's like babysitting two ten year olds.' Max thought as he sighed when he heard Ben's comeback.

"You and every other enemy I've defeated. Choose a number and get back to me, let's say four months from now." Ben soon went back to jumping up and down in excitement for the new Sumo Slammers game.

"Anyway Ben, me and your cousin are gonna check out the bookstore around the corner." Max said as he took out his wallet and passed Ben fifty bucks, "When you get the game meet us back at the Rust Bucket."

Ben nodded, "You got it, Grandpa." He saluted then went back to waiting.

"Let's go, Gwen." Max replied as he had to forcefully drag Gwen away while she shot Ben the finger from behind his back.

The duo soon exited the bookstore with a small brown bag, "I wonder how Ben is doing?"

"What do you mean?" Max asked as they started walking back to the video game store.

"Look the lines gone. Wonder if Ben got his game." Gwen answers when a somewhat humanoid dinosaur standing about twelve feet tall with hard skin that is colored brown on its outer side and beige on its inner side bursts through the video game store roaring at the top of his lungs.

The passing civilians went wide eyed in fear as they soon took off in a panic, as the large dinosaur picked up a car and tossed it into a nearby restaurant.

Gwen and Max hid behind a car as they see Humungousaur destorying downtown San Francisco. Gwen soon gazed at Max in shock, "What the hell is Ben doing? What's gotten into his idiotic head?"

"I don't know what's gotten into him, but I know for sure we're gonna find out." Max grimaced as he watched as his grandson started going on a rampage.

Soon large black trucks pull up infront of the rampaging alien dinosaur, men soon filed out of the trucks carrying various equipment and wearing military uniforms. Humungousaur swatted multiple men away as they fired at him. There was a man without a helmet, he has blonde hair that was in a buzzcut, with a long scar on his face. He wore a black shirt with two straps, carrying guns in the pockets. In addition, he wore a belt with pouches. He had grey pants.

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