Chapter 7: Lucky Girl

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Chapter 7: Lucky Girl

"Wielder of the Omnitrix, you have been a thorn in my side for the last few weeks, but no more because I will be coming for you. And when I do, you'll be on your knees begging for your life after I extract the Omnitrix from you. You will cower in fear once you realize, who I am!" Ben soon bolted out of his bed drenched in sweat. He felt himself hyperventilating. He placed his hand onto his face and his heart and felt it slowing down a bit, 'That dream again.'

After Goop had separated Rojo from the machinery, the circuitry inside her shorted out and zapped his badge. Then he saw it, or saw him. The warlord that Doctor Strange warned him about. Vilgax. The Warlord that has conquered different planets and now is hunting him for device he was wielding: the Omnitrix. Since the decoupling, Ben has been having nightmares and it hasn't been letting up.

Max and Gwen had no idea of Ben's night terrors or his vision of Vilgax. Ben was told by his grandpa and cousin they'd be visiting a Witchcraft Museum today. Ben sighed, he'd hadn't had a peaceful night of sleep since taking down Rojo. Vilgax's face, his warning. It was terrorizing him, Ben didn't wanna admit it outloud, but he was scared. He might have the Omnitrix, yes, but deep down he knew it. He was scared of him. Shaking his head, he let out a small sigh before hopping out of bed. Maybe he should talk to someone.

'Oh yeah? Like who? Gwen and Grandpa don't know what I saw. And even if I could tell them, they'd also be in danger.' He thought.

'Well you're not alone, you have someone who could help you with this.' The voice inside his head reasoned.

'Besides Grandpa and Gwen. I don't have anyone. I thought Kevin could be a good partner, but immediately switched up on me.'

'We're not talking about Kevin. We met someone else in New York earlier that day.'

Ben's eyes widened, 'Doctor Strange.'

'Excatly. He was the one who warned us of the warlord's presence. Maybe it'll be a good idea to give him a call.'

'I don't know.' He thought rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he entered the bathroom.

'Why not?'

'I guess I don't want to bother him with my problems.' He looked himself into the mirror and was shocked when the mirror version of him spoke back.

'This isn't just your problem, it'll be Gwen's problem, Grandpa's problem, Strange's problem, and soon enough the Earth's problem. Give Strange a call, and go from there.' The mirror spoke, Ben sighed.
He couldn't believe he was having a full blown conversation with himself, but he was right, like always.

After Ben did his personal hygiene, he left the bathroom to come back to the empty Rust Bucket. He soon got dressed sporting his signature black and white hightop converses, black jeans, white T-shirt, and his favorite #10 jacket. He soon left the mobile home and caught his grandpa and cousin eating a regular breakfast, that didn't have bugs, tentacles, slime, or any animal body organs. Just a simple eggs and bacon breakfast.

"Good morning, Ben. Hope your hungry." Max greeted which made Ben a bit skeptical on what was taking place.

"Yeah, a little bit, but I have a phone call to make. I'll be right back." Ben soon shut the RV door gaining quizzical looks from Gwen and Max.

"What's wrong with Ben?" Max asked.

"Beats me. Looks like he's seen a ghost." Gwen answered as she looked down at her phone.

Max then looked back to the Rust Bucket before going back to enjoy his breakfast. Ben took out his wallet and pulled out the card Strange gave him. He soon dialed the number and heard it ring a few times before going straight to voicemail. He dialed it again and the same thing happened. He tried once more and still nothing.

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