Chapter 29: The Visitor

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Chapter 29: The Visitor

Deep within the Arctic, two snowmobiles were seen speeding through the mounds of snow. The two men soon come to a screeching halt when a massive crater is found within the snow.

"Dude, do you see that?" The first guy responded before pointing towards the metal pod within the snow.

"What is it?" The second man asked curiously.

"I don't know, but let's check it out." The second man nodded before the two descended into the crater of snow towards the metal pod.

As they got closer, there bravery started wavering. The first man stopped in his tracks as he was within a foot of the pod as the second man hid behind him. He reached his hand out to touch it when the pod itself opened frightening the two individuals of its action.

Steam soon started coming out from within the pod as the two men started backing up. When a green hand grabbed the edge of the pod and pulled themselves out. The two men did there best not to scream when the lifeform glared straight at them with its indigo eyes.

The two men immediately ran away from the monster, screaming and crying. The lifeform looked around before remembering how they got there. It was in a battle with a crazed warlord, then flung a very important package here. Their eyes widened in fear when it looked around for said package.

"Must. Locate. Omnitrix." She spoke slowly before finally stepping out of the escape pod and into the frozen tundra that was the Arctic.

Two Days Earlier (Before DarkStar was inducted into the Negative 10)

The four teenagers had informed Max of the mess they had gotten into last night. To say Max was shocked to know Kevin decided to join them while finding out about Micheal and how he decided to abuse his powers by turning women into mindless zombies.

"That's a lot and you managed to get through it as a team. I couldn't be more proud." Max smiled.

"Yeah, it wasn't exactly easy to say." Gwen rubbed her temples just remembering how Micheal nearly drained her dry.

"By the way, grandpa, Micheal had some kind of badge that resembled my watch. He called it a Plumber's badge, ever heard of it." Ben asked as Max widened his eyes at him.

"The way you're looking at, Ben, I believe you have." Kevin replied.

"Yeah, what Micheal had was indeed a Plumber's Badge. It was used to communicate and locate with Plumber's throughout the Galaxy. But to think Micheal would have one." Max stated in a bit of dread at what this could entail, "Did he say where he got it from?"

"He told us, his dad gave it to him." Hope answered skeptically.

"Meaning he might actually be a Plumber's kid, like you four. Who knows how many of them there are."

"Wait what?" Gwen stated in confusion.

"What?" Max asked raising an eyebrow.

"You just said there could be more Plumber kids? You mean there are more?" Ben asked incredulously.

"Yeah, you didn't think you four were the only ones, right?" He smirked in amusement.

Kevin sighed, "Do you think we'd be able to locate them?"

"Right now, I doubt it, but enough we need to get on the road." Max replied before climbing into the RV.

"Um grandpa?" Gwen responded when he climbed back out.


"What are we gonna do about Kevin's car?" She asked.

"I'll follow from behind." He stated with a nonchalant shrug.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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