Chapter 21: Ben 10,000

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Chapter 21: Ben 10,000

It had been a wild ride of a summer vacation with only three weeks left before school starts. The quartet had stopped at a empty camp ground in California. The Tennyson Family were unloading there supplies onto the camp grounds. As the three teenagers kept themselves busy, Max had an axe slung over his shoulder.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get some firewood. You guys continue unloading the supplies." Max smiled before walking off into the woods.

Ben was carrying out a box of food with Gwen and Hope holding a long banner, "Ben, did you get the cake?" Gwen asked as Ben set the box of food onto a picnic table.

"Cake?" Ben questioned, "You didn't tell me to get a cake."

"What?! Ben you didn't get the cake?!" Hope asked incredulously.

"Again, I was in charge of getting the food not the cake!" Ben glared at the two girls who exchanged looks before sighing in unison.

"Cake is food, Ben." Gwen sighed again, "How could you forget the cake! It's Grandpa's 65th birthday!"

"Fine, I'll go get the cake. What's the nearest store?" Ben sighed in defeat before watching as Gwen pulled out her phone and Googled the nearest shop.

"About six miles away." Gwen answered.

"Ben, you seriously don't believe you'll make it there and back before grandpa gets back do you?" Hope asks.

"Yeah, Ben it's six miles there and six miles back twelve in total." Gwen answers.

"XLR8 or JetRay can make the trip, even if it means topping out at my fastest speeds." Ben says as he was about to activate the Omnitrix in the far right of the campgrounds a swirling blue portal opens up and a woman flies out grabbing both Hope and Gwen and soon flying back towards the portal. Ben's eyes widened in shock, "GWEN! HOPE!" He grits his teeth before the Omnitrix picks up on his desired alien and in an emerald flash of light XLR8 is left in his place.

Not even wasting another millisecond, the Kineceleran races after the person who kidnapped his cousin and best friend. After the portal closes behind him, Max soon reenters the camp grounds to find the three teenagers gone.

"Ben? Gwen? Hope?" Max gazes around before dropping the logs and axe, "Where did those three go now?"

The portal soon opens up again, in a futuristic world with the woman holding onto both Gwen and Hope's wrists. When a blur of blue and black appears infront of her only to whack her in the face with his tail. She lets go of her hostages, while the Kineceleran races and secures them both in his arms.

"You both okay?" XLR8 asks concerned as the duo nod when a small girl on a hoverboard sees the Kineceleran and waves to him drawing them both looks.

"Where are we?" Hope asks as the trio gaze around at the futuristic world they've been brought to.

"I don't think we're in Kanas anymore." Gwen mutters as XLR8 and Hope throw her a look.

"Seriously? Did you really just make that joke right now." XLR8 questions as Gwen shrugs.

"Hey, look it's Ben 10k!" A small boy points as the trio again are left clueless.

"Ben 10k?" Hope and Gwen reply suspiciously before glaring at XLR8.

"Don't look at me like that?! I've only got 14. I'm nowhere close to 10,000." XLR8 defends himself before a large statue catches his attention. Intrigued by it, he zooms over to the statue. Hope and Gwen glance at one another before joining the Kineceleran's side.

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