Chapter 17: Ultimate Weapon

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Chapter 17: Ultimate Weapon

In the vast jungle of Texas, a bunch of scientist, miners, and researchers have been studying the layout for months in search of something. As the miners worked the scientist's radar started going crazy alerting them of possible danger.

One of the scientist's pick up a radar too see it spinning out of control, "What's happening?"

"No idea, there's no radiation in the air."

"Can't be just a coincidence."

As the reseachers and scientist's worked on whatever was going on, the miners felt a slight tremor within the earth, "You guys feel that?"

"Yeah, felt like an earthquake."

"Why would an earthquake happen now, tho?"

"I don't know, but I'm not liking it one bit."

As the miners got closer within the tunnel, the tremors or earthquake's got more frequent to the point they were being knocked off there feet. But they tredged onwards, when they hit a deadend.

"This can't be the end?"

"I suspect it isn't. The earthquake's were getting frequent to the point it was protecting something."

"Protecting something?"

"It's just a guess." He chuckled before another large tremor struck cracking the floors in the process. When flickers of fire leaped out gaining the crew's attention.

"What's happening?!"

Lava started rising from the crevices, with a rather sudden gust of wind picking up. The lava rose up as the crew backed up in fear. The lava soon starts swirling around in the form of tornado.

The crew didn't even hesitate as they ran from the lumbering fiery tornado. As they did they realized the cave was coming down on them with a certain mask hidden inside.

As they made it out the group of researchers and scientists gazed at it in shock when the crew of miners made there drastic exit. The crew of miners soon explain what transpired inside which caused one of the scientists broke way from the group and quickly pulled out a black burner phone.

"Sir, we found something..." She replied into the phone.

"...Moniter the situation...I'll make sure this doesn't reach anyone's ears. I'll send someone to claim what you've found..." The voice rumbled out, "Hail Hydra!"

"Hail Hydra!" She replied before hanging up.

Meanwhile, The Tennyson family plus Hope, were sitting in the blazing sun. Ben and Max sat on one side of the bench while Gwen and Hope took the other side. They all had blue bowls sitting infront of them.

"Don't be shy, eat up, you three." Max smiled before scooping up the contents inside the bowl and scarfing it down, sighing in contempt.

Ben raised an eyebrow before looking at his cousin and his friend. He then scooped up the contents inside his bowl, "Uh grandpa, what is this?" Max didn't answer seeming to enjoy the food he's cooked.

Gwen was unsure if it was even edible, she then gazed over to Hope who took an actual bite, "Is it good?"

"I don't know, it's abit crunchy." She soon took another bite, Ben and Gwen exchanged looks before taking bites themselves.

"Huh, it's actually not that bad." Gwen replied before taking another bite.

"I know, grandpa, what is this stuff?" Ben took another bite as did Hope.

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