Chapter 26: Super Alien Hero Buddies Adventures

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         Chapter 26: Super Alien Hero Buddies Adventures

After defeating Zombozo and his lackeys, the Tennyson family was soon back on the road. Ben, Gwen, and Hope were enjoying a bowl of cereal when a show started up. The trio gazed at each other before turning there attention back to the tv.

"Hi boys and girls, we have a new show for you all. It's call Super Alien Hero Buddies Adventures!" The Host announced.

"What?" Ben asked confused.

"Meet Moth Buddy!" A large blue moth that resembled Big Chill, but he was larger and hunched over shocking the trio.

"DUDE-" Ben shouted from his seat as the host continued.

"Dino Buddy!" A large brown dinosaur that looked like Humungousaur flexed his large muscles grinning widely.


"And last, but not least Brainy Buddy!" A large red crab soon snapped his claws at the camera.

"Is this legal?" Hope asked pointing to the tv.

"NO! IT'S NOT LEGAL!" Ben shouted furiously as he saw the mockery of three of his aliens. Gwen was trying really hard not to laugh when Ben glared at her, "This isn't funny, Gwen!"

"It kinda is, Ben. You've been saving lives for the last three months and there making your aliens look like a joke." Gwen chortled as she tried not to laugh again.

"I wouldn't be laughing for too long." Hope replied before pointing to the TV again.

"We have two special guests with our Alien Buddies. Charm Buddy and Lucky Buddy!" Two women soon appeared on the screen one looked to be like Lucky Girl, but her suit was red with a dog mask and the other looked like Hope, but she had black hair, a witches dress and cloak, long pointed hat, long nose, and a broom stick.

Hope and Gwen went eye wide as Ben soon looked at her, "Not so funny anymore is it?"

"They can't do this!" Gwen shouted angrily.

"Atleast you don't look like a basic witch." Hope huffed annoyed as she gazed at what was supposed to be her, "Can't we sue them for our likeness rights?"

"You could, but then you'll be revealing your identities to the public if you do." Max added from the front seat.

"Then what can we do, Grandpa? We definitely can't let them get away with this." Ben stated firmly.

"We can't do anything, Ben." He answered.

"We have too, there basically slandering us and everything we stand for." Ben argued.

"I have to agree with Ben on this, Grandpa." Gwen answered, "We can't sue them, but we can get the show shut down."

"How do we do that?" Hope asked a few ideas on how soon appeared into her head.

"By burning that shithole to the ground." Ben answered as he glared at the TV.

"Benjamin, language." Max gazed into his rearview mirror at his grandson who was livid.

"As tempting as that is, Ben, we sadly can't do that. But we can talk to the person who created it." Gwen replied as they looked to the tv as the credits started.

Hope soon grabbed the remote and paused the tv as the creator's name appeared, "That's him. Tim Dean."

"Okay, but where are we gonna find him at?" Ben asked before a loud spluttering noise gained the groups attention. The motorhome soon started slowing down before pulling off to the side and breaking down.

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