Chapter 19: Dr. Animo And The Mutant Ray

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Chapter 19: Dr. Animo & The Mutant Ray

In the Murky Swamps of Florida, the Rust Bucket makes a screeching stop. Ben comes out first with a screwdriver and sits on the back of the RV, first he starts cycling through his playlist and counts, "Fourteen aliens. I wonder how many, I could acquire. If I could hack it." Ben grins mischievously before picking up the screwdriver and starts fiddling with the Omnitrix.

Max, Gwen, and Hope soon climb out the RV, "Ah, just in time for Gator-Fest." Max sighs and smells the air in content.

"What's Gator-Fest?" Hope asks curiously.

"It's an alligator festival, where various alligators appear." Max explains. Hope nods absentmindedly still abit confused on why people where celebrating alligators.

Gwen shivers in disgust by the foggy, dark, and dreary environment, "Grandpa, this is probably the worst place you've taken us."

"Nonsense, once you've celebrated Gator-Fest, you'll be begging me to take you again." Max remarks.

Gwen laughs nervously, "Doubt it." Max laughs before heading back into the RV. When she notices Ben is gone, "Hey Hope, where's Ben?"

Hope raises an eyebrow, "I don't know." She shrugs before they hear a noise followed by grunts and curses. Gwen and Hope look at each other before following the noises to find Ben attempting to hack the Omnitrix.

"What are you doing?" Gwen asked incredulously.
Ben didn't even gaze upwards, "Trying to hack the Omnitrix." He replied without a shred of hesitation.

"Ben, I don't think that's such a good idea." Hope remarks.

Ben gazed at the two sorceresses, "I know it's not a good idea, but it's practically the only idea that comes to mind. I have absolutely no idea how it works, I don't know any of it's command codes, or it's functions. I was able to figure out how to switch aliens without reverting back to normal, but it drains the watch faster. I know whenever it glows yellow, it's another alien DNA sample added to the playlist. Maybe if I try to hack it, I'll acquire more aliens or finally be able to remove the time out function, because usually I'll stay an alien for ten to atleast fifteen minutes, sometimes three minutes, or the most was fourty and that was when we went head to head with Dr. Freak-a-Zoid." He reasoned which did make alot of sense considering the most important times he timed out in dire situations.

Hope looked at Gwen, "Dr. Freak-a-Zoid?"

"Dr. Animo." Both Ben and Gwen responded.

"It was the first villain, Ben defeated when he first acquired the Omnitrix two months ago." Gwen added.

"Oh, I saw that on the news. Wait, that was you!" Hope yelled.

Ben's gaze fell, he remembered that day all too well, "Yeah, it was my first brush with death. That mutated crocodile was close to taking my head off if it weren't for Grandpa Max."

"He doesn't like talking about it, he still blames himself for not coming at them with the intent to kill." Gwen whispered as Hope's expression fell.

"I'm sorry." Hope says which Ben brushes off.

"Not your fault, Hope, it was mine. Anyway, if I'm able to hack it who knows what function I'll unlock." Ben replied curtly as he went back to hacking it.

"Still think this is a dangerous idea, but I understand how you feel, Ben." Gwen answers, but Ben shrugs off her concern and her warning when Max stands behind them.

"Gwen's right Ben, you shouldn't be trying to hack it." Max says sternly which makes Ben freeze in his attempts, "Be glad you even have it."

Ben sighs before placing the screwdriver down, "You're right, grandpa."

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