Chapter 16: Tough Luck

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Chapter 16: Tough Luck

A girl stood on a hill overlooking the prison, her long silver hair flowed down her back as her lips spread into a smile. Her magenta eyes narrowed before she walked towards the prison. She wore a a purple dress with a pink ribbon around her waist and a black crown on her head. She also wore black fingerless gloves. At the top of her dress, she had a cerise pink gem with a golden border, and she also wore long dark purple flat boots. She carried a small beige bag, with one eye, a stitched x for another eye, and large fanged teeth zipped up.

As she drew closer to the prison, the guards there quickly noticed the silver haired female, "Stop right there!" But the woman waved her hand as large thick vines erupted into the air and entrapped them.
She cocks her hands back, "FALLUM QUARCA DAMINIGAN!" A strong blast of compressed air blows the doors off its hinges to the prison as the alarms started blaring throughout the building.

Various prison guards ran to intercept her, when she summoned more large vines to keep the men trapped. As she journeyed along the never ending cells containing various criminals before getting to the solitary confinement facility.

The doors to the solitary confinement were soon blown off there hinges by the silver haired sorceress. She walked through the facility, before coming to a stop infront of the fourth door, "FALLUM QUARCA DAMINIGAN!" The compressed air blows the doors straight off its hinges as the man inside the cell smirks.

"Took you long enough, my dear niece." The man slowly turns around to reveal Hex in an orange jumpsuit. The silver haired sorceress smiled slightly.

"Nice to see you too, Uncle Hex." She responded before the sorcerer held out his hand.

"My staff, child." Hex demanded which made her scoff in annoyance.

"There's a word for that, it's called please. And I'm not a child anymore, I'm 18." She replied before he glared at her raising his hand upwards.

"I don't care, give me my staff, now!" He glared before she faltered and looked away before reaching into her bag and pulling out her uncle's staff and tossing it to him, "Good, now let us make haste. We need to restore the destroyed charms and get revenge by killing Lucky Girl and her family! Come Charmcaster."

The newly named Charmcaster sighs before standing next to her uncle, "ALBEO EXORIOR!" In a flash of purple Charmcaster and her uncle Hex were gone. Releasing the entrapped prison guards around the building.

On a Highway in Nevada, a bus was tipped over the ledge, about to plummet into the cliff below. The civilians on board were fearful as there bus tipped over when a large brown armorfied dinosaur wearing a black and green badge on his chest caught the edge of the tilting bus, "Don't worry, Humungousaur to the rescue!" The Vaxasaurian roared before pulling it back onto the street.

As the buses door opens an old woman looks at the twelve foot tall dinosaur, "Are you gonna help us down or what?"

"What?" Humungousaur questioned.

"Can you help us get off the bus?" Another old person replied before Humungousaur sighed.

He gazed at his badge, 'When I don't want you to time out you time out. Now when I actually need you to time out, you don't come thru. This blows.'

After about ten minutes of helping the old people off the bus, Humungousaur quickly vanished before reappearing as Ben Tennyson who was fuming with anger. He barged into the RV, where his grandfather was playing sudoku and his cousin Gwen was surfing the internet on her computer.

"How'd it go, Ben?" Max replied taking off his glasses noticing his fuming grandson.

"It went okay, ASIDE FOR THE FACT I SPENT TEN MINUTES HELPING OLD PEOPLE OF THE BUS!" Ben screamed before slamming the bathroom door.

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