Chapter 10: Truth

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Chapter 10: Truth

Our story begins in the early 70's, in a missile control room. Three pods suddenly activate and opened up. Red lights start flashing throughout the control room to indicate a timer has been activated. An officer races into the control room to see the timer.

"Shut it down!" He ordered.

"We can't it seems that something is pulling them out of their silos." The operator responds quickly.
The officer sucked in his teeth before mumbling, 'Damn.' As he watches the nukes blast into the sky. A certian War-like ship lowers toward the surface.

Vilgax and his mechadroids exit the ship and start firing at the surrounding officers, "You will rue the day you've crossed me!" He picked up an officer and launched him into a wall.

Vilgax gazes around, seeing if anything was worth taking to make himself even stronger when suddenly one of his mechadroids is destroyed. He turns around only to be blasted in the chest, hurling him towards a nearby wall.

Vilgax glares daggers at the two men, wore identical suits. Navy blue jumpsuits, black belt, gloves, boots, and neckware. Gray cylinders around the ends of the gloves, and pouches attached to the gloves. Both wore blue and black striped helmets. They were holding large weapons pointed at Vilgax and his mechaminions.

"Sorry Vilgax, but this is your stop!" One of the Plumbers glares as he rushes forward.

"Phil, no!" His partner yelled, before watching as Vilgax dodged each of Phil's attacks. He soon uppercuts the man off his feet before kicking him in his chest. Phil lands on his back as his helmet gets knocked off.

Vilgax picks the Plumber up before glaring at him, "Did you think you could stop me?" Phil struggled to get out of his grip while the galactic warlord glanced towards his partner, picking up Phil's weapon and pointing it at him, "Drop the weapon or I'll splatter his brains all over the wall."

Phil struggled harder as he glanced at his partner, "Don't do it! Blast this asshole!"

The Plumber didn't know what to do, until he gazed behind Vilgax to see strange sparks appear. He knew what was happening he just had to buy time for them, "Alright, Vilgax, let Phil go." He responded as he placed his weapon onto the ground while placing his hands into the air.

"No! Don't worry about me!" Phil yelled.

Vilgax glanced at the mechadroid, "Launch another one!" The mechadroid nodded in affirmation before racing off to do its task, "This next attack is gonna be launched on your miserable planet, and there's nothing you pathetic humans can do about it!"

The Plumber grinned behind his mask before seeing the orange sparks open into a wide portal, "I
wouldn't be too sure on that, Vilgax."

Two people stepped out of the portal, one was an African American man, he had brown eyes, with long black dreads, a black beard and moustache. He wore an advanced emerald sorcerer's attire, and a long sword on his back. The next one was a woman, she had no hair, and ocean blue eyes, she wore an all white sorcerer's attire. Her arms were placed behind her back with a stern look on her face.

The African American man took a very advanced stance before two Eldritch Circles appeared on his hands. He spun around as the Eldritch spells took the appearance of whips and grabbed Vilgax by both of his wrists. Vilgax gritted his teeth before trying to pull away from the sudden attack before the Plumber picked up his weapon and blasted him in the chest.

Vilgax's grip on Phil loosened for him to escape as the woman stood infront of the warlord, "YOU!"

"Hello Vilgax." She greeted, "How long has it been? Twenty years? Fifty years?"

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