Chapter 22: X=Ben+2

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Chapter 22: X=Ben+2

In the vast reaches of space, a large metallic purple mothership could be seen hovering aimlessly throughout the night sky. A small white ship approaches the mothership before docking. An alien that looked to be a frog in purple and black armor walked through the mothership. He wore a metallic cast on his left arm with a tannish sling wrapped around it. He wore goggles on top of his head as he approached a large pair of double doors.

"Halt." A voice stops the alien frog from entering the room. The frog turns around to see his commanding officer approaching.

The alien has a partially metallic body. From his shoulders up to his forehead, he is almost entirely silver and made out of metal. His lips and the outline of his eyes are dark gray. His sclera are black and his pupils are pink. His brain, which is completely visible from the outside, pokes out of his metal head and is protected by a thin, clear material. There is a metal circle on the front of his brain. A similar ellipse appears on his chest, dividing his metallic upper body from the black and purple robe that covers the rest of his body.

"Commander Raff." He offers a salute as the alien named Raff shrugs him off.

"Lieutenant Frolic, what are you doing here? Last I heard you and Princess Attea were exploring an enemy star?" Raff replies, "Now, that I notice it, you seem to be injured and Princess Attea isn't with you? What happened?"

Frolic looked down in shame, "It's as you say Commander, we were exploring the enemy Star when we were ambushed. It was three Bounty Hunters; SixSix, SevenSeven, and Kraab. I was able to escape, but I sustained heavy injuries in the process. I've come to report the Princesses kidnapping to his Royal Highness."

Raff didn't say anything before placing his hand onto Frolic's shoulder, "No need to look so glum, Frolic, I'm sure the Emperor will do everything in his power to get his daughter back." Frolic nodded before the duo entered the Emperor's throne room.

The throne room was large with golden pillars littering the room, purple mats placed from the doors to the steps leading up to the throne. The throne chair was large and colored gold with purple throw pillows on the bottom. Sitting on the throne was a large, heavyset alien frog, who has green skin with warts on his arms, head and chin, and wears a black and gold robe with black pants. He wears a gold necklace with three dark orbs on it.

Raff and Frolic walked up to the Emperor before bowing in respect, "Raff, Frolic, what a surprise. What brings the both of you here?"

"Your Highness, something terrible has happened." Raff spoke abit distressed.

"What news do you bring?" The Emperor spoke leaning forward in anticipation.

"Sire, it's my fault." Frolic spoke shamelessly, "Because of my carelessness Princess Attea has been kidnapped."

The entire throne room was thrown into silence, Frolic kept his eyes directly to the floor, shaking in fear. Raff was abit frantic. The Emperor, himself, glared darkly before finally speaking after five minutes of straight silence, "Frolic." Frolic felt his body tighten when he heard his voice.

"Yes Sire?" Frolic hesitated for a second when he saw a pair of green warted feet standing before him. He felt fear spreading throughout his entire body, but he never got to hear whatever it was the Emperor needed because everything was upside down, "Huh?" He saw Raff's frantic face which was upside down until he felt his head roll to the glaring Emperor who was holding a sword with purple blood oozing from the sword.

Raff watched in horror as the Emperor beheaded Frolic. The Emperor's glare was still fixated on the dead Incursean lying at his feet, "Sire?" Raff asked in hesitation before he found himself cowering under his deadly glare.

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