Chapter 11: The Big Tick

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Chapter 11: The Big Tick

After the mess, the Tennyson family have dealt with regarding the whole Phil situation they decided they needed a break. They left South Dakota and went back to California to visit Yellowstone National Park. The RV stopped inside the campers space before throwing open the RV's door.

Max sniffed the air proudly, "Ah, nothing says getting closer to nature than this beautiful National Park."

"It really is beautiful, grandpa." Gwen smiled looking over the ridge into the mountain side with the forest down below, "I wish some people would come to appreciate it." She gazed at her cousin who had a pair of headphones wrapped around his neck and fiddling with the Omnitrix.

Max also turned around to find his grandson fiddling with the device, "Ben would you give it a rest, already. Can't you focus on anything aside from the watch."

Ben took a glance at them, "I mean I can, but there's so much we don't know about it. Like how many aliens are actually inside this thing. Master control, so I don't keep timing out."

Gwen rolled her eyes, "Let me see it." She walked over to him as he held out his left wrist, "What do I do now??"

"Twist the faceplate. Like this." He twisted it a few times before she nodded and started twisting it.

"I see why it's so interesting." She giggled before the Omnitrix's faceplate turned yellow, "Uh oh."

"What's happening?" A new hologram was seen hovering above the faceplate, "Whoa, a new alien."

"You're welcome." Gwen huffed.

Ben rolled his eyes before gazing at the floating hologram, "Let's see what you can do?" He slammed his hand onto the faceplate becoming engulfed in an emerald light. Max and Gwen shielded their eyes as the newest transformation began.

Ben felt himself bloating up like a balloon. He became shorter and hunched over with a long tail sprouting from his back both being covered in yellow armor plating. The top of his head was protected in the armor plating. His arms were longer and covered in yellow armor and his feet turned into short and stubby claws also with his knees being covered in the yellow armor plates, with his teeth turning into fangs. He is mostly white, while various parts of his body were black. His legs were completely black. With his eyes shining emerald green. The Omnitrix badge appeared in the middle of his chest.

After the emerald light died down, he resembled a large armorfied mole. He gazed at himself as he stumbled about, "What the hell?" He lifted his large arms to see his large tail which he soon tripped over.

"Some alien." Gwen snickered.

"Interesting, choice of an alien, Benjamin." Max also snickered as Ben's newest alien tried getting back to his feet.

As the newest alien tries to get back to his feet, a large meteor soon struck the forest reducing the trees into rubble. Gwen and Max turn to the crash sight in confusion and wonder.

"What's that?" Gwen asked.

"No idea. Let's go check it out." Max replies as Gwen produces a mana platform for her and Max. They lower themselves towards the crashsight.

Ben soon made it back to his stubby feet as he placed his large arms onto the ground and found his center of gravity, "Hey! How am I gonna get down there?!" He yelled, "What a useless alien. What can I even do?" He leaned against the railing before launching off the cliffside.

"Not exactly what I had in mind!" He yelled as he got closer and closer to the ground when a pink mana shield caught him right as he nearly hit the ground. He gazed up to see Gwen with her hand
outstretched, "Thanks Gwen."

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