Chapter 4: Hunted

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Chapter 4: Hunted

On the border between Nevada and New Mexico, outside a small town, named Slaterville, Max Tennyson had set up a training course for Ben using old soda cans, tires, and boulders. Max was pulling on a rope setting everything in place. Ben stood in the middle of the training course while Gwen was sunbathing while putting on sunscreen.

"Remember, Ben. This is a training simulation decide which alien is the best for this situation." Max reminded the teenager as he nodded firmly.

"You got it, grandpa." Ben spun the dial on the watch as the faceplate shot upwards. Spinning through his alien playlist he landed on one and slammed his hand onto it becoming engulfed in an emerald light.

Ben's body started hardening into magenta colored crystal. The left side of his arm and part of his body turned a red color while his right arm remained magenta while his right hand was red. Two large pink crystals were located on his back, a medium sized crystal layed on his right shoulder, and a smaller crystal below his right shoulder. His left arm was litered in crystals, four around his shoulder and three going down his forearm. Two were located on his chest, while two layed on his feet. Ben's face closed in on itself as it was covered in the crystals, his eyes were emerald. His face was magenta with a mix pink under his chin and above his eyes. A lone crystal took it's place on the top of his head, but it's color was different from the rest on his body, it was red like his body. The green and black hourglass badge appeared on his chest with a small red crystal and pink crystal attached to the badge, "CHROMASTONE!" The crystallized alien exclaimed.

"Going with Chromastone? I was thinking either Swampfire, Brainstorm, or maybe even Goop since you haven't tried him out, but let's see how you do as him." Max illustrated a bit surprised that his grandson chose Chromastone.

"It's a bit complicated, grandpa. Last I used Chromastone, I never got to fully understand what he was capable off. Now might be a better chance and plus there's always room for improvement." Chromastone explained as his grandpa nodded.

"I understand, well shall we begin?" Chromastone nodded as he started pulling levers on the contraption.

Chromastone gazed around as the old soda cans swung towards him. Wasting no time, his hand shot out and blasted a multicolored beam, watching as the can metaled from the heat of the blast. Two more dropped behind him, the crystals from his back fired two separate beams reducing it to a crisp.

"Excellent Ben, but focus up!" Max replied as he kept pulling different ropes on the contraption.

Chromastone closed his eyes as he tried to rely on his senses. He wasn't like SpiderMonkey, who had an additional sixth sense, but he didn't need it the crystals on his body were able to pinpoint exactly where the attacks could be coming from. On his left side a large tire swung towards him. Chromastone's eyes shot up as he thrusted both arms outwards and blasted the tire, reducing it into a heaping mess. More cans and tires swung at him, two crystals from his back levitated as they blasted individual beams of ultraviolet rays to keep from hitting him in the back.

Max watched in awe as Chromastone defeated every tire and can in sight, but Max wasn't done. He pulled a grey lever as a catapult sounded out shooting out multiple boulders. He thrusted both arms forward and applied more power into these blasts as he reduced them into pebbles. Chromastone sighed in relief as the two floating crystals wedged back into his back. Max was clapping happily.

"Well done, Ben." Max encouraged as Chromastone mentally smiled, "Why don't we move onto the next course?"

"Sounds good." Chromastone tapped his badge and was engulfed in another emerald light. In his place stood the red, white, and black manta ray that he named, "JETRAY!"

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