Chapter 20: Back With A Vengeance

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              Chapter 20: Back With A Vengeance

In the vast reaches of space, is a giant ship named the Megacruiser. The ship that kidnapped alien's and had them fight to the death in the ships arena. Flying through asteroid fields and blocks of ice. One lone large ice block floated through space before a hook shot outwards before clamping down onto the large block and pulling it inside the ship.

The aliens aboard the ship pulled the ice into the ship before crowding around it when a large crash garnered there attention to reveal the mutated hybrid Ultimate Kevin. The mutated teenager glared at the block of ice, "No matter where I went in the galaxy. No matter who I fought. One name kept appearing over and over again."

He used his Methanosian arm and melted the ice around the ice blocks face revealing the one alien who can help him defeat Ben Tennyson, "Vilgax." The aliens around cowered in fear from seeing the warlord.

Kevin narrowed his eyes at the warlord, "We both want the same thing, we both have beef with that asshole Ben Tennyson. What do you say to finally putting that shit bag in his place."

On a ship, overlooking the beautiful scenery which was Niagara Falls. Max gazed at the waterfall in awe, "What an amazing view, have you ever seen a more beautiful sight." He replied in a yellow raincoat.

Gwen gazed at the sight before seeing Hope sitting next to Ben as he attempted to hack the Omnitrix again, "Yeah, tell that to Ben." She pointed as the two Tennyson's looked at Ben rotating the faceplate repeatedly.

"Ben, could you please pay attention to something other than that watch. You promised you wouldn't attempt to hack it after the whole Animo fiasco." Max reminded him as Ben gazed up from his attempts.

"Tried to tell him, he won't listen." Hope sighed as Ben shrugged.

"I'm just trying to gain a better understanding to it, that's all grandpa." Ben answered.

"Get real, you'll never be able to hack it. There must be a billion command codes inside that thing." Gwen sneered before both her and Max sighed at how stubborn Ben was and went back to looking at the falls.

"Gwen's right, Ben." Hope replies as Ben rolls his eyes.

"Yeah so?" He replies before the Omnitrix flashes brightly gaining both Hope and Ben's attention. Soon the Omnitrix started scrolling through his holograms at a rapid pace, "Uh oh."

"Ben, I don't want any part in this." Hope said before wandering over to Gwen and Max wearing the same raincoat as the other three Tennyson's.

The Omnitrix soon kept switching between his holograms before he gazed at it fearfully, "Please tell me, I didn't break this thing again. Uh, hopefully BrainStorm can fix it." In a flash of emerald light, BrainStorm was left standing in Ben's place wearing his raincoat, "My heavens, I never even touched it. Unless maybe now I don't have too? Goop!" Another emerald flash Goop was standing in place with Ben's yellow raincoat, "Echo Echo!" Another emerald flash and the tiny Sonorosian was standing in the Polymorph's place wearing the same yellow raincoat "Chromastone!" Another green flash, Chromastone was wearing Ben's coat, with the crystals ripping the back of his jacket.

"COOL! This rocks!" Chromastone cheered before another emerald flash revealed XLR8 in the yellow raincoat, "I must have finally unlocked some kind of master control or something." He replied before another emerald flash occured revealing SwampFire, "Because now I can go alien." Another green flash revealed WildVine, "Just by thinking it." Another flash occured as SpiderMonkey was left in WildVine's place wearing the yellow raincoat.

He raced over to the edge of the ship and dipped his head over the ledge gaining Hope's attention, "Ben?"

The man standing next to Max turned his gaze over to older Tennyson man, holding a camera, "Would you mind taking a picture of me and my wife?" He asked before SpiderMonkey pulled his head up, the man went wide eyed in fear before falling off the ship.

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