Meeting him - Choso

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Paring: Choso x reader kinda

Word count:2180

Summary: Yuji introduces you to Choso and they explain how they are brothers, also teaching Choso how to use a phone cause he's like 150 years old and probably worse with technology then captain america.

Warnings: some manga spoilers regarding Yuji and Choso obviously, shit writing, that's about it.

A/n: The Shibuya incident did happen but ended better. It's not as long as I wanted but I slept for nearly 20 hrs yesterday and totally forgot where I was going to take it and figured this is better than nothing. If you like it and want more, I could maybe do a part two. Let me know how you like it.

I'm going to meet up with Yuji at a coffee shop because he insisted he had someone he wanted me to meet. I don't know why he didn't just bring this someone to jujutsu tech, but whatever. I've been really close with Yuji since he joined Jujutsu tech, it never really bothered me that he was the vessel of Sukana. Yuji was just really easy to get along with so whoever he wants me to meet can't be that bad.

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When I finally reached the predetermined coffee shop I spotted Yuji sitting with a guy wearing white and purple. His hair was up in what looked like two pony tails, although it still stuck up in every direction. I couldn't see his face because his back was to me, but I could tell by the way he was sitting he was average height and rather lean.

I was snapped out of my thoughts looking at the stranger by Yuji jumping up and calling out to me. "Y/n, over here. I already got you a F/d." I smiled and made my way over sitting down next to my friend with two toned hair.

"Thank you Yuji. Now introduce me to your friend here." I said finally looking at the face of the stranger. He had dark purple eyes that were focused on something outside the window, they were truly beautiful. But the most striking thing about his handsome appearance was the mark stretching across the bridge of his nose. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

Yuji set his own coffee down before introducing the handsome man across from me. "Y/n this is Choso, Choso this Y/n. He is technically my half brother." Yuji said as if he hadn't dropped a bomb on me. I was really confused, since when did Yuji have a brother, I thought he was an only child.

I finally looked away from the man sitting across from me, to give Yuji a bewildered look. "What do you mean he's 'technically' your half brother. In the half a year I have known you, you have never said anything about having a half brother." I was really trying to wrap my head around this. Yuji Itadori had a half brother who just so happened to be extremely attractive.

"Well, I only just found out he's my brother recently. But hey it's good news, I have more family." Yuji said happy that he still has family out there. I was still confused as I slowly took a sip of the drink Yuji had bought for me.

It was silent for a moment before a new voice spoke up. "He's right, I had no idea he was my little brother until I almost killed him during the Shibuya incident. I felt a connection exactly like the one I felt when he killed my brothers a few months prior. That's the only thing that saved him." Ok, now I'm even more confused. This guy tried to kill Yuji because Yuji killed his brothers, but ultimately didn't because he felt a connection to him before he could actually do it.

Sensing my confusion Yuji started to stand up saying "We should have just done this at Jujutsu Tech, It's hard to explain and I don't want someone thinking we're crazy." Me and Choso nodded in agreement before we stood up and left the coffee shop.

"If you knew this was going to be confusing, why did you want to do it at a coffee shop full of non-sorcerers?" I asked as we walked back to the school in almost complete science.

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