Chapter 221-230

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  Chapter 221 House Selection! Handling Variation Trees

  Early the next morning.

  Lu Kun, Han Zhe and others drove back to the farmhouse, while Su Luo and Fu Chengyan stayed behind.

  The time Fu Chengyan and Wang Xiang agreed to enter the villa area last night was this afternoon.

  Therefore, she and Fu Chengyan had to stay and inspect the entire villa area. Besides, the trunks of the two mutated trees had to be repaired...

  Thinking of this, Su Luo and Fu Chengyan did not delay, and first went to the center of the villa area to pick a three-story single-family villa.

  In fact, before the end, Su Luo didn't want to choose such a big single house.

  After all, in the last days, safe housing is tight, and this large single-family house will be rented out by room in the later stage. Even if this base was established by her and Fu Chengyan, their family is only three people, and she still has a portable space now, so she can There is really no need to occupy such a large space, it is a waste.

  So before, she always preferred the small single houses in the surrounding area.

  One building is only two to three hundred square meters, and the life of their family of three is just right.

  But now with Uncle Xu, Brother Kun, and Xiao Haoran, this detached villa is more suitable for them.

  The decoration of the single-family villas in the third phase of the center is similar. In front of the villas, there is an independent small yard of about 100 to 200 square meters, surrounded by fences and walls. In addition, there is still a certain distance between each villa, which ensures privacy. Also very good.

  In addition to the three floors on the ground, the house also has an underground floor. The gym, video game room, private yoga room, piano practice room, home theater, and wine cellar are all located below. In addition, the garage and other supporting facilities are also very complete .

  The layout of the upper three floors is also very good. The first floor is a super reception room with several dining rooms and living rooms, which can satisfy both private receptions and family banquets.

  The second floor is mainly the guest room and the second bedroom. The second bedroom is larger than the guest bedroom, but whether it is the second bedroom or the guest bedroom, each room is equipped with an independent bathroom and a cloakroom.

  On the third floor facing south is a luxurious master bedroom of about 500 square meters, on the other side is the same second bedroom as the second floor, and in the middle is an activity area.

  Su Luo simply counted, excluding the master bedroom, the entire villa has a total of thirty-four rooms, enough for them to live in!

  After choosing the house, Su Luo and Fu Chengyan went to the container house without stopping.

  The people from Wang Xiang's side will come over in the afternoon, so they must fix the electricity in the container house first.

  Fortunately, the electricity of this kind of construction site housing is extra, and it is very convenient to replace it.

  Su Luo took out part of the power generation panels received from the power plant in City B, and handed them over to Fu Chengyan to replace them.

  The power generation panels are powered by solar energy. With the current sunshine conditions, the entire container house area should be powered on in one hour.

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