Chapter 81-90

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  Chapter 81 Dragon base

  At this time, Fu Chengyan, who had been serving as the background board, also sat up straight.

  He was also a little curious, whether this bloodthirsty vine could withstand Luo Luo's wood-type abilities.

  As soon as Su Luo finished speaking, two gray seeds the size of mung beans appeared in his hand.

  "0250, is this the seed of the bloodthirsty vine?" Su Luo was surprised.

  so small?

  0250 said seriously: [Master, don't worry, the plane trading system cannot transmit fake goods. 】


  After finishing speaking, Su Luo handed a seed to Fu Chengyan to take it first.

  Then he used his emerald green wood ability to stimulate the remaining seed in his hand.

  The reason why she traded two seeds was to experiment first.

  It would be fine if this bloodthirsty vine could withstand her abilities, otherwise, it would save her from having to recognize the master.

  In the blink of an eye, the bloodthirsty vine grew to two meters long.

  Su Luo looked at the thorny vine in his hand with serious eyes.

  The most critical time is coming!

  Su Luo concealed the emerald green wood system into the dark green wood system, and then used the dark green wood system ability to control the vines.

  After a few seconds, none of the vines in his hands withered!

  Su Luo's eyes flickered slightly.

  Control the bloodthirsty vines to wrap around the green plants next to the sofa.

  The vitality in the green plants was instantly swallowed by the bloodthirsty vines and withered directly.

  At the same time, Su Luo injected the two-color wood system into the vine, again controlling the vine to wrap around another green plant.

  Greenery remains unchanged.


  Su Luo turned his head happily, "Ayan, it worked!"

  The emerald green wood-type master grows, and the dark-green wood-type master devours.

  And if the two colors are injected at the same time, only control remains, and there will be no terrifying devouring.

  In other words, with the bloodthirsty vine, she can use her wood-type ability outside in an open and aboveboard manner!

  "En." Fu Chengyan also rubbed Su Luo's hair, and said with a smile, "I saw it!"

  At the same time, he put the bloodthirsty vine seed in the palm of Su Luo, "Quickly recognize the Lord!"

  With the ability to use wood-type abilities, Luoluo's safety can be regarded as an extra layer of protection.


  Su Luo first planted the bloodthirsty vine in his hand on the back mountain of the space with his thoughts.

  This bloodthirsty vine has not recognized its owner, so Su Luo can only control its growth, but cannot make it return to the seed state, so it can only be planted on the mountain behind the space.

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