Chapter 271-280

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  Chapter 271


  The convoy of Su Luo and his team was driving on the highway at a constant speed.

  "It's pretty clean today. I've been walking for two or three hours, and I haven't met any zombies."

  Ge Ge sat lazily on the sofa, looking at the scenery outside the window while scooping the strawberry ice cream in his hand.

  Su Luo also looked up at the environment outside the window.

  The northern part of Q City is a vast alpine grassland, with gentle undulations and boundless terrain.

  The grasslands on both sides of the road are green, and the hills in the distance are also rolling. The pure natural forest is lush and lush, and the sea of ​​flowers is all over the sky. The scenery is very charming!

  After the apocalypse, the temperature will always remain high.

  After entering the grassland for a while, it was much cooler.

  Moreover, since entering the grassland, even the swaying zombies on the road have disappeared. The blue sky and green clouds seem to have returned to the peace and tranquility before the end.

  The air in the prairie was refreshing, and the windows on the RV were opened two.


  Little Mantou, nestled in Ge Ge's arms, moved his nose.

  First, he leaned in front of Ge Singer's ice cream and smelled it, then stretched his head towards the window, sniffed it vigorously, and said with surprise on his face.

  "Sister Ge Ge, it's fragrant, it smells like flowers, it smells so good!"

  Ge Ge also smelled it, but didn't smell anything, so he didn't pay much attention.

  Su Luo and Fu Chengyan on the side looked at each other.

  When Su Luo saw Xiao Mantou for the first time, he scanned him with a system scanner, and he was a first-level smeller.

  Apart from her and Fu Chengyan knowing this information, even Xiao Mantou's own mother Nan Xin didn't know about it.

  After all, Xiao Mantou is only two years old now, and his sense of smell ability is not easy to be discovered.

  According to Xiao Mo's introduction, a person with a first-level sense of smell can smell things about five to ten kilometers away.

  In addition, the mutated ghost orchid will emit fragrance for a kilometer around, luring the enemy to devour it!

  In other words, they are now only six to eleven kilometers away from Death Valley...

  "Hee hee, Mantou likes dad, likes dad, hug, dad hugs..."

  While Su Luo was contemplating, Xiao Mantou was stupefied, stretched out his hands and was about to jump out of the window with a smile on his face.

  Fortunately, Ge Ge reached out quickly enough and pulled it in time. He hugged the little thing tightly in his arms, and patted Xiao Mantou's buttocks with some fear, saying fiercely.

  "You little brat, do you have an itchy butt? You are driving a car, and you dare to crawl towards the window..."

  "Hee hee, hug, daddy hugs the steamed bun..."

  Ge Ge also thought that he was going to reprimand this little thing, but the little kid in his arms seemed to be unable to hear her at all, just staring at the front of the car with blank eyes, with a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, Keep talking about daddy hugs.

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