Chapter 451-460

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  Chapter 451 Take Out All Your Supplies

  The moment the voice fell, a fist-sized grenade suddenly fell at the feet of Wu Shichen and Roland.

  Before Roland even realized what was on the ground.

  "Boom -" a loud noise.

  The grenade exploded directly under the feet of the two of them.

  However, perhaps because the materials of Wushichen's house are better, only the surrounding glass in the whole room was shattered, but the whole house did not suffer much damage.

  The moment the grenade was thrown, Su Luo pulled Fu Chengyan into the space.

  After the explosion just ended, Su Luo immediately led Fu Chengyan out of the space.

  Both of them were wearing a pair of anti-fog glasses, and they accurately found Roland and Wu Shichen who were blown apart at a glance.

  The physical strength of a fifth-level superhuman is no longer capable of killing with ordinary weapons.

  Therefore, although Wu Shichen and Roland fell into a short-term coma, their lives were not in danger. Even if they were not arrested in time, they might slowly regain their sanity within a few minutes.

  Naturally, Su Luo would not let go of these few minutes.

  Without any hesitation, she quickly took out an anesthesia gun, and before Roland woke up, he hit her on the neck and completely fell into a coma.

  Fu Chengyan also quickly dodged in front of Wu Shichen, and flew out two wind blades without hesitation, cutting off both of Wu Shichen's arms.


  The pain of the broken arm hastened Wu Shichen's sobriety.

  It's just that now that his arm is broken, even if he has the strength of the fifth-level peak, he can't attack the opponent neatly in a short time.

  After Wu Shichen woke up from the pain, he looked at the two people in front of him with dark eyes, "You also have room to enter, right? Otherwise, how could you escape the explosion."

  Su Luo and Fu Chengyan would use bombs, which Wu Shichen did not expect.

  This room is only that big, and some simple thermal weapons after level five can't hurt him at all. As for heavy weapons, once they are thrown, he will suffer accordingly.

  What's more, Su Luo and Fu Chengyan's level is not as high as his.

  If you want to use a heavy thermal weapon, it is purely to injure the enemy a thousand and hurt yourself a thousand and two. No fool would do this.

  But he didn't expect that Su Luo and Fu Chengyan would have a room to enter.

  Most importantly, their space may be different from Roland's. The flow of time in the space is the same as that outside, so that the explosion can be completely avoided.

  Fu Chengyan didn't have time to answer Wu Shichen, so he asked in a cold voice, "Where are the rare metals?"

  Wu Shichen sneered, "So you really came here for those soils. If that's the case, why did you destroy my refinery?"

  "Can't we cooperate? Don't you want to live forever?"

  Su Luo also dragged Roland, who had been injected with a strong anesthetic, to Wu Shichen's side. Hearing what Wu Shichen said, he couldn't help but chuckled.

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