Chapter 211-220

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  Chapter 211 Variation tree eats people?

  "The mutated tree there will suck people's brains!"

  "Variation tree?" Su Luo frowned.


  Zhang Yan nodded and continued: "In fact, at the beginning, I also wanted to take everyone to the Xishan Longting villa area. After all, H City was just established at the end of last year, and basically no one has moved in. I thought there would be no one. Definitely no more zombies.

  As a result, the zombies did not see the zombies, but there were two large trees with a diameter of about 50 meters and a width of about 50 meters on the outskirts of the Longting villa area in Xishan, and almost all corpses under the trees, both human and zombies!

  And no matter whether it is a person or a zombie, they all look the same, there is a hole about the size of a fist in the head, and the brain inside has been sucked clean..."

  Recalling the scene he saw at the beginning, Zhang Yan still felt cold sweat all over his body.

  When they passed by, it was still last month, and it was still snowing in the sky. The bodies of the survivors who fell in disorder in the snow were even purple from the cold, lying on the snow-white ground, which was extremely terrifying!

  It was all still on the snow.

  When they passed by, it had been snowing heavily for several days, and under the uneven snow, there were still many tragic dead bodies...

  In the past month or so, the level of zombies outside has basically achieved a qualitative leap.

  Since the tree is also mutated like a zombie, the two mutated trees in Longteng Villa Area of ​​Xishan Mountain are probably even more powerful!

  Although he also knew that Su Luo had a lot of guns in his hand, but that thing was good for dealing with zombies, and Mutant Tree was not afraid of that thing!

  Thinking of this, Zhang Yan persuaded again.

  "Miss Su, you really can't go to Longting villa area in Xishan, why don't you think about it?"

  Su Luo didn't speak, but Fu Chengyan looked up at Zhang Yan and asked.

  "Apart from the two mutated trees, is there any change in the Xishan Longting villa area before the end?"

  Zhang Yan turned his eyes to Fu Chengyan.

  The man's facial features are sharp and angular like sculptures, and he is exceptionally handsome.

  At the beginning, Zhang Yan was either trading food with Su Luo, or watching Han Zhe's treatment, and Su Luo and his party were basically dressed in the same way, so he didn't pay much attention to this man, and he didn't expect Su Luo to be around. There is also such a cold and deep man.

  Just being stared at by the man's dark pupils made him feel suffocated.


  Fu Chengyan frowned slightly, dissatisfied with Zhang Yan's trance.

  Zhang Yan came back to his senses immediately, and answered quickly.

  "Yes, there have been changes. In addition to the two mutated trees on the periphery, a back mountain behind the Xishan Longting villa area has also collapsed, but the whole thing seems to have fallen in the direction of the Beijiao Gymnasium. It is not true for the Xishan Longting villa area Nothing much.

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