Chapter 341-350

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  Chapter 341 Meeting the People at Chenguang Base

  Fu Chengyan nodded slowly.

  Su Luo frowned slightly, "No wonder..."

  No wonder Ge Fei didn't choose to stay with Ge Ge, but went back to City H with them.

  If Ge Ge simply refused because he didn't like it, Ge Fei would probably never give up. After all, he has liked Ge Ge for so many years.

  But the revenge of killing the father is inserted between the two, so it will be difficult...

  Thinking about it, Su Luo raised his eyes to look at Fu Chengyan again, "Then Xiao Haoran is left alone for unrequited love?"

  Why do you feel a little pitiful?

  Considering that guy has been in the army before, this is probably the first time he likes a girl, right?

  Fu Chengyan chuckled, "He has just left the army, and this is his first love. How can there be so many smooth sailing feelings in the world, even if it is the first time that both parties like each other, they may not be able to leave. In the end, what's more, he is only unrequited love."

  "In life, regret is the norm, and he will understand after a long time."

  Hearing Fu Chengyan's words, Su Luo froze instantly.

  In the previous life, Fu Chengyan said exactly the same thing to her. It was the third year of the last days. She asked him, what would he do if she didn't like him all the time?

  At that time, he said these words, but the last sentence was different.

  The last sentence in his previous life was, "In life, regrets are the norm, but I don't want to have regrets. As long as you are still in this world, I will always wait for you to fall in love with me. If you are not here, I will go to accompany you ."

  Thinking of this, Su Luo got up and walked to the bedside and hugged Fu Chengyan, and said sullenly, "Ayan, we are lucky, this time we will live forever."

  Fu Chengyan also put his arms around Su Luo's waist, buried his head in her neck, and smiled.

  "Well, we will grow old forever."


  the next day.

  Last night, because of Su Luo's rare initiative, Fu Chengyan couldn't control it all at once, and it became a bit fierce. Su Luo had to sleep until ten o'clock, so he missed the "morning exercise" that everyone must do every morning.

  In fact, it is to clean up nearby zombies and search for nearby supplies.

  When Su Luo woke up, only she and Zhou Mo, who was protecting her in the dark, were left in the whole house. Even Jiajia begged Lu Kun to take her to practice courage.

  Su Luo took out a custom-made watch from the space and looked at the time.


  Seeing this, Su Luo frowned.

  Usually, their morning exercise time is from 6:00 to 8:00 in the morning, and it is past ten o'clock today. Why haven't you come back yet?

  Su Luo immediately took out a walkie-talkie and began to contact Fu Chengyan and others.

  "A Yan, where are you doing your morning exercises? Why haven't you come back yet?"

  Su Luo fell silent for a long time, and there was no movement on the walkie-talkie. His brows could not help but tightened, and he quickly used the system to send a message to Fu Chengyan.

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