Chapter 381-390

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  Chapter 381 Mutant beast capable of producing crystal nuclei

  Su Luo was not polite either, and nodded directly.

  "Then let Chief Ji spend the money."

  She had just helped their Xizhishan tribe solve an existential crisis. It was not too much to eat his two rabbits. The main thing was that the mutated rabbit didn't know how they made it. It tasted really good.

  Lu Kun on the side also weakly raised his hand, "That Chief Ji, can we add another one?"

  Ji Yan laughed out loud when he heard Su Luo and Lu Kun's unkind words.

  "Dayin, ask Mama Cui to prepare two fatter rabbits, and prepare some other rabbits, and present them to the distinguished guests!"

  At first, he thought that Su Luo and Fu Chengyan came here because they were like William and his group. He looks different from those in William's group.

  After Ji Yan gave the order, he didn't make any more detours, and spoke directly.

  "I just took a bag of the crystal nucleus liquid that Dajin traded from your base, and the effect is really remarkable, and according to Daikin's report, Director Su Ji and Director Fu Ji specially sent a third-level healing system to see me. For this, Ji is extremely grateful!"

  As he said that, Ji Yan raised the wine glass in his hand to Su Luo and drank it down in one gulp, which was his sincere thanks to Su Luo.

  But after drinking, Ji Yan immediately continued.

  "It's just that Ji also believes that there is no free lunch in this world, but I don't know what Su Ji and Fu Ji are doing to help Ji, what do you want?"

  Looking at Su Luo's eating habits just now, Ji Yan knew that she was not a procrastination person, so she didn't talk about it and asked directly.

  He didn't believe that Su Luo and Fu Chengyan were kind-hearted, and they flew thousands of kilometers on purpose just to save his life...

  Su Luo glanced at Ji Yan, took a sip of the sake on the table in front of him, and after dispelling the smell in his mouth, he looked directly at Ji Yan and replied.

  "Actually, what I want is very simple. I want Boss Ji to return to Chenguang with me and become a part of the Chenguang base."

  Ji Yan slightly hooked his lips.

  "Become a part of the Chenguang base? Director Su wants me to submit to your Chenguang and be used by your Chenguang?"

  Su Luo nodded, "It's not about submission, but cooperation."

  Saying that, Su Luo fell lightly on Ji Yan's face, and continued, "Chief Fu Ji and I really appreciate Chief Ji's abilities. We want Chief Ji to cultivate a batch of contracted beasts for us in return. , we, Chenguang, are willing to give Chief Ji and the villagers of the entire tribe a safe place to live."

  "I can open up a new Xizhishan tribe in the Chenguang base. After Chief Ji and all the villagers of the Xizhishan tribe enter the Chenguang base, they can continue to work under you as they do now, without being sent by the person in charge of the Chenguang base. As long as you don't violate the base's rules, including me and Chief Fu, I have no right to order you, how about it?"

  "Of course, this is just the basic guarantee I promised Chief Ji. In the future, if Chief Ji tames a mutant beast for Chen Guang, the price will be calculated separately. I don't know if Chief Ji is satisfied with this cooperation?"

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