Chapter 10: Successful-

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In a sudden rush, they all surged into the room, and Antonio's curse reverberated through the air like an echoing tremor. Without hesitation, he sprinted toward his table with a determined urgency, his hand desperate to slam onto the crimson button positioned there. It was his lifeline, his desperate plea for help – an escape hatch in the face of mounting danger.

Yeonjun approached him with a rage-filled expression, ready to break Antonio's face for daring to touch Beomgyu.He was about to throw a punch when Antonio slammed his hand onto the red button, sending out a desperate plea for help. Yeonjun stopped in his tracks, startled by the sudden noise.

With swift determination, Soobin quickly closed the distance to the startled Beomgyu, his voice a soothing balm for the young man's frayed nerves. "Hey, it's okay. We're here now," he reassured, his words laced with genuine concern. Beomgyu's nod was almost imperceptible, his breaths shallow and unsteady.

Beside them, Kai's urgent command cut through the tension like a lifeline. "Hide over there," he instructed, his hand gesturing toward a nearby cupboard. Beomgyu wasted no time, his movements almost automatic as he scuttled toward the indicated spot. His heart raced as he settled into the confined space, his eyes fixed on the chaotic scene unfolding before him.

Through a narrow opening, he watched as Yeonjun and Wooyoung unleashed a torrent of well-aimed blows upon Antonio. 

"So you're so proud of this dick of yours? huh?" Yeonjun spat out the words before delivering one more powerful kick to Antonio's bare stomach. Wooyoung then sat down on his knees and grabbed Antonio's hair, pushing his head onto the table and causing strange noises to escape from his lips. Meanwhile, Kai and Soobin kept watch at the door, ensuring that no one would interrupt the two as they continued their assault

Antonio's voice trembled as he managed to croak out his words, his strength waning. "Hah... woah... you haven't... changed a bit... Wooyoung." Wooyoung's frustration boiled over, and he delivered one final blow to Antonio's head before Yeonjun's voice sliced through the tense air.

"Leave him to me... go find the data you're supposed to retrieve." Kai and Soobin exchanged solemn nods, silently instructing Wooyoung to carry out the mission. Wooyoung tore his gaze away from Antonio and began to scan the room, his eyes eventually locking onto a laptop sitting on the table. Swiftly, he lifted the lid, only to be met with a password prompt that mocked his efforts.

His frustration palpable, Wooyoung turned to Yeonjun, his voice laced with urgency. "Make him spit the password out." Yeonjun's lips curled into a chilling smirk as he shifted his gaze toward Antonio. He was known for making people speak afterall.

"Now i'm having real fun," Yeonjun remarked with a calculated grin, his tone dripping with a chilling mixture of anticipation and satisfaction. He positioned Antonio to sit directly across from him, their eyes locking in a tense confrontation.

Without a trace of hesitation, Yeonjun's fingers closed around Antonio's thumb, his grip both firm and unyielding. "Now, let's establish the rules of this little game, shall we?" he taunted, his voice carrying an unsettling edge. "For every incorrect password you offer, I assure you, Antonio, I will relish breaking each of your bones in turn. And should you choose the path of silence, well, let's just say your resistance won't save you from the same fate." Antonio's very existence trembled under the weight of Yeonjun's threat, his defiance waning in the face of such merciless resolve.

Antonio's lips curled into a strained smile, attempting to downplay the intensity of the situation with a quip. "Come now, do you truly believe you can Dare to do this with the next prime minister of this kingdom?" he challenged, a flicker of defiance igniting in his eyes. He was testing the waters, hoping to incite uncertainty in Yeonjun's resolve.

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