Chapter 21: rain

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As Yeonjun and Beomgyu returned home, Yeonjun couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his victory over Soobin in the game. He watched Beomgyu heading towards his bed and decided to address something that had been on his mind.

"You didn't mind that I went over to Soobin's, right?" Yeonjun asked, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Beomgyu tilted his head back, gazing at Yeonjun with a warm smile. "No," he replied, his voice reassuring.

Yeonjun nodded, relief washing over him. It meant a lot to him that Beomgyu didn't have any reservations about his interactions with Soobin. He couldn't help but feel that things were gradually falling into place between them. Finally normal.

Still there were things they needed to discuss, like the very expected kiss and Yeonjun's confession. However, before he could voice any of his thoughts, Beomgyu spoke up, addressing him as "hyung." yeah he has been calling him hyung in his mind for a while.

Yeonjun's eyes widened in surprise. Did Beomgyu just call him "hyung"? The word had caught him off guard, and for a moment, he was unable to respond. Beomgyu, realizing his slip, quickly covered his mouth with his hands, his eyes apologetic.

"Oh, sorry," Beomgyu mumbled, looking somewhat embarrassed.

Yeonjun finally found his voice, a faint smile forming on his lips. "No need to apologize," he reassured Beomgyu, secretly finding the term endearing when it came from him.

Beomgyu, regaining his composure, continued, "I was saying that I was bored. Can we go for training or something?"

Yeonjun readily agreed, eager to spend more time with Beomgyu. "Sure, we can. Let's change first?" he suggested.

Beomgyu smiled brightly, nodding in agreement, and Yeonjun couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth at the sight of it. It seemed like a good way to spend their time together and perhaps a chance to discuss some of the things they both had on their minds.

As they changed into more comfortable outfits and strolled along the streets, there was a noticeable but not uncomfortable distance between them. It slightly bothered Yeonjun, who didn't want to come across as too clingy. He kept his hands tucked into his shorts' pockets, trying to act nonchalant.

However, he was pleasantly surprised when he felt Beomgyu's arms wrap around his own. A flutter of excitement and contentment rushed through him. Yeonjun glanced over at Beomgyu, who was gazing up at the sky, seemingly trying to act casual.

Unable to contain his amusement, Yeonjun let out a chuckle. This immediately caught Beomgyu's attention, and he turned to look at Yeonjun with a quizzical expression.

Yeonjun simply smiled and said, "Nothing."

As they arrived at the groffer yard, Yeonjun couldn't resist teasing Beomgyu. "So, how many hours are you going to take to collect all the darts today?" he playfully asked, a smirk dancing on his lips.

Beomgyu returned his teasing with a confident "Hah." He eagerly accepted the dart gun from Yeonjun and declared, "Let's see."

To Yeonjun's surprise, Beomgyu's performance today was exceptional. He fired the darts flawlessly, with incredible speed and precision, collecting all of them in a mere 36 seconds. Yeonjun's jaw practically dropped in astonishment.

"Close your mouth," Beomgyu teased, grinning triumphantly. Yeonjun, still taken aback by Beomgyu's unexpected skill, managed to stammer, "Did you practice behind my back?"

Beomgyu chuckled at Yeonjun's reaction. "You can simply say I did well."

With his initial surprise fading, Yeonjun couldn't help but smile warmly at Beomgyu. "You did so well that I want to kiss you." The words slipped out before he could stop them, and he instantly regretted saying it.

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